I once had a dream that I was eating a giant marshmallow. I woke up in the morning and my pillow was missing.
After due consideration there is only one possible meaning for this dream. - You are in need of a shag. 8)
Here Here!
Tell you what Kat - you go and encorage those other two to have their fight and then we will take Sappho off somewhere together and sort her out! OK?
hi read your dream now what it means can take on many task but still have clear mind to chat
Just caught up this thread... tears streaming.... how are we doing Will?
Somehow think Sappho Fred and Kat will be at it for hours...
Must say you are helping to improve my fencing skills... oops sorry didn't mean to catch you like that...
Don't count on it my good man....Fred has been spilling choc sauce all over himself.... just to get Alex's attention... is he a tart or what?
so you will be having the mead and I will be on the apple juice of course...
Gentlemen, would you mind awfully having your mock battle elsewhere? I'll come and stick elastoplast on when you have finished.
Why do boys always have to thump each other?
Gentlemen, would you mind awfully having your mock battle elsewhere? I'll come and stick elastoplast on when you have finished.
Why do boys always have to thump each other?
Will, my Liege, by the curses of Endor we are undone! Foiled again(sic)!
While we were polishing the rapier those knaves have outflanked us and are making free with the old pork broadsword! Methinks our Lady is lost. Alack and alas it seemeth that chivalry is dead. I fear it is the monastery for thee and me: did old Henry leave any standing?
Well Sappho, in answer to your question, the answer is as follows:
long,long ago, when Harry O was but a young man, and man had just been invented, a man's day was somewhat empty. Even after having sex 3 times, revuing the sum total of his life's work, and learning as much as any man can, it still left 23hrs 52 mins to fill. So, he invented fighting as a means of relieving boredom. this was later superceded by football, share dealing and golf. However, that baic evoltionary quirk remains; man is genetically programmed for argy-bargy.
Furthermore, it is even worse for poets. Everyone knows that a poet is only ever considered any good after he is dead. So, all poets have developed an in-built 'self destruct' button. Hence all the duelling, boozing, suicide and mayhem that has dogged the greatest of the bards.
That is why I, being a far less gifted poet than Will, can only manage being a second. Yes, I enjoy the 'cut and thrust', and like a nice drop of 'claret', but haven't achieved the ultimate death wish.
I hope this explains it for you Sappho; I know, this poetry can seem a strange business, but someone has to do it
OK sarge Sppho did not see that one coming good one...
could not get my McGonnigall out quick enough!
One problem Fred,
I don't think Will and I are intending to duel. The intention was to start a band together.
I believe Will was going to play dulcimer and I was going to brush up my lute skills... (or perhaps in my case it should be looting)