If anyone is having driving lessons at the moment or going for their test..Good Luck!!! As for myself, I am going for my 7th (yes 7th) driving test this week. Now many of you might think that OMG that girl can't drive, but I can. My instructor says he can't teach me anymore. It all down to me on the day. OK I admit 3 out of 6 was sheer stupidity on my part, 2 were just bad luck (went str8 over a roundabout when indicating left grrr on test 5), but the last 1 was totally unfair. I was going 23/24 mph in 2nd gear in a 30mph road and the examiner failed me for going too fast !!!!
Anyone got any good stories that might boost me up for test 7 please. I am clutching at everything to pass this time. It has cost me £350 so far
I failed one of my tests by driving up a step hill in a 1.1 corsa at 50 mph.. He said I was driving to slow on a 60mph road..!!!
if you feel you were unfairly failed than you can appeal.
the two incidents mentioned do not sound like serious faults, so alone should not have been a automatic fail, you will have needed to have accumalated 15 + minor faluts to amount to a fail.
i found rescue remedy worked really well when i took mine, it took the edge of nevres away but still allowed me to remain focused.
good luck
xx fem xx
I have never had more thann 5 minors on any of my tests which makes it worse :cry: I did think of appealing, but once they got that F on your sheet, there not much you can do about it
I past my test in feb best thing i done and yes i fail becase of nerves 3 times befor that so i know how you feel just go for it dont give up as i did that about 3 years ago and i allways think i should have done it then and as it be said you could be a very good driver just on the day nerves get to you any way good luck xxx
i'm in the process of learning at this late stage in life... taking a break from the road at the moment,though looking forward to terrorising London roads again in the new year... then of course, The Test
Tell me Good People... what's the Theory Test like these days?
because, in theory, I can drive :shock:
Passed my m/cycle test first time, passed my car test first time with 3 points against. It is perfectly possible to fail for going at 23 mph in a 30 limit, if there are parked cars and children about them, then 23 may well be dangerous at that time.
Good luck with the test.
My sprog passed hers 1st time a couple of weeks ago, it took me 2 attempts, failed 1st purely through nerves but passed on 2nd.
Its just how things go on the day Im afraid. You may well be a perfectly competent driver but if you have a bad day due to nerves etc then thats bad luck. You have to impress the examiner and if all else fails......bribe the bugger!
cant help never even had a driving lesson
im green
with envy
I passed 4th time. The first two times I just wasn't ready- but was pushed into it too soon. Third time, I should have passed, but the examiner was a fuckwit.
Passed my bike test 1st time though- which I was dead chuffed with.
I have a mate who took 9 attempts to pass. I've yet to get in the car with him though!
Good luck!
I failed the first time without getting into the car.
I had forgotten to sign my provisional licence. I had my certified instructor with me and the examiner still refused to accept I was licenced. He reckoned I could have found the licence in the street. I ask you! If I'd found it in the street I'd have had the sense to check the signature and fill it in ffs.
But best of luck - remember that you know this stuff and breathe to relax and you'll be fine.
Thank you all for your stories. At least I am not the only person in the world who can't pass 1st time.
Well....D-Day is today. Will let you know what happens
Mich xx