If when bidding for an item on e bay, an item that you really don't want to loose.
Here is a tip that might help you get that special thing.
Open you browser window and log onto e bay as usual, start bidding on the goods you want.
Open a second window and again log onto e bay, goto the same item as you are bidding on.
Keep bidding if you have to in the first window, if you find that you have competition in your bidding, bid just below your maximum and hold. If the bidding gets to high then puill out.
If you can tell that your competitor will bid higher if you bid more, wait with the second window active until the very last seconds then hit with your final offer, there is now no way or time that your competitor can re-bid as time will run out.
I know this works on a mac but not sure if it will work on a pc as I havent got a pc that is on the net.