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As if you hadnt noticed, theres an election on across the pond. Tomorrow we wake up to either a new president (of the world) or 4 more years of bush :shock:
i wonder what their policy is on dogging or swinging confused
i dont care as long as that dickhead Bush doesnt win - he's a fecking idiot and should be assassinated - along with his bum chum Tony Blair.
It will b rigged so bush wins...its always fixed just like last time rolleyes .....
monkeyxxx - President Bush is Pro-Dogging and Pro-Swinging.
(Well he would be if I controlled his autocue!) rotflmao
Sex God
well on a serious note me and my dad were talking about this last night....
i come from a republican family.......
i voted democrat....
so that mean the family will shun me for 4 years then........... biggrin :D :D
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sex God
Quote by givemeahug
It will b rigged so bush wins...its always fixed just like last time rolleyes .....

Yup, I agree with this.
Bush will 'win' just as he did last time.
Quote by fabio grooverider
well on a serious note me and my dad were talking about this last night....
i come from a republican family.......
i voted democrat....
so that mean the family will shun me for 4 years then........... biggrin :D :D
sean xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Just to clear something up Sean.......
Who is the Democrat and who is the Republican???
Yup, I agree with this.
Bush will 'win' just as he did last time.

Glad to know im not the only 1 that thinks this lol
Sex God
dave.... bush is republican......kerry is democrat...
to make things more confusing... my dad votes in illinois... which is about as republican as they get....
i vote in new york.... which is about at democratic as they come....
bush will win,thanks to is brother in florida!
but on a serious note big business dictates policy in america(and anywhere else)
so all there voting on is personality
Quote by wewantu2
so all there voting on is personality

hmmm not much to go on there wink
i just find it a bit frightening that the most powerful man in the world has the intelligence of the average teenager
averageteenager would kill them in a debate wink
Quote by givemeahug
Yup, I agree with this.
Bush will 'win' just as he did last time.

Glad to know im not the only 1 that thinks this lol
Saw a list of "fascinating facts" about the presidential elections in the paper today that stated that G W Bush is the fourth president who has been voted in that did not have a majority of the votes. They have a system of "key states" not outright numbers. A bit like our own system, that is why some parties wanted a system of actual votes cast. I think it was called
???????? representation
Some clever person will fill in the ?????????? for me
Sex God
I'm an American citizen living in the UK and DESPERATELY wanted to vote. When I contacted the American Embassy two months ago, I was told I had to give 90 days notice before I could do a postal vote. Sadly, my vote would've only cancelled that of one of my family members, as they inevitably vote Republican, no matter what (especially after Clinton, but that's another story altogether). Kudos to you, Sean, for splitting from your family on the vote - I'm exactly the same on that count. Thus, I spend this night in regret of not being able to cast my vote against GW. :cry:
~Reese! surprised
Thanks me something to think about.....
Sex God
Quote by Reese
I'm an American citizen living in the UK and DESPERATELY wanted to vote. When I contacted the American Embassy two months ago, I was told I had to give 90 days notice before I could do a postal vote. Sadly, my vote would've only cancelled that of one of my family members, as they inevitably vote Republican, no matter what (especially after Clinton, but that's another story altogether). Kudos to you, Sean, for splitting from your family on the vote - I'm exactly the same on that count. Thus, I spend this night in regret of not being able to cast my vote against GW. :cry:
~Reese! surprised

reese depending on which state you are registered in, the rules change from state to state... michigan was only 30 days.. and i know a few states you can register on the day, so worth checking!!!
so you going to be up all night then?
Sex God
Quote by fabio grooverider
reese depending on which state you are registered in, the rules change from state to state... michigan was only 30 days.. and i know a few states you can register on the day, so worth checking!!!
so you going to be up all night then?

Whether I'm up all night or not depends entirely on Vix' insomnia. ;) If I don't catch the results tonight, I'll surely get them tomorrow. I'd checked specifically for Florida, and they're the ones who cited the 90-day rule for U.S. citizens "travelling" abroad. sad
~Reese! surprised
P.S. Well, it's Florida, go figure. rolleyes
Warming the Bed
My fear is that with a change of president will come a change of policy with regards to Iraq.
Without trying to upset my American friends too much..... It always seems that the Americans start with good intentions and end up making the situation worse. Korea, Palestine, 1st Gulf war etc.... I hope it isn't a matter of if Kerry gets in, he listens to the left wing and pulls as many resources out of Iraq, leaving it a mess for years to come. I don't think that would be fair to those who dies fighting or those who want a new democratic Iraq.
Any on another point, The people who slate Bush and Blair should also consider the political ramifications for the decisions the 2 leaders made. In most of British politics taking such an unpopular step in declaring war is almost verging on the policital suicide as they know that they will make a lot of enamies. I see no positive reason for Tony Blair to go to war other than he believing it is the right thing for him to do. It is nice to see there are still people in this world who act on what they think is right, rather than what is best for them personally.
Saying that though i won't be voting for blair in the next elections due to other stupid policies lol
Apologies for my poor spelling
Quote by monkeyxxx
i just find it a bit frightening that the most powerful man in the world has the intelligence of the average teenager

Errr, well I've met quite a few teenagers & some of them have been rather thick... but most of them were a lot brighter than Bush, bearing in mind some of the things he has done & said. rolleyes :roll:
Warming the Bed
I bet a lot of Bush's aids are rather intelligent (and very well paid)
you know the worst thing...forget this know who the next one will be in 4 years time.............yes Arnie...the terminator...mark my worrds he will be president in 4 years time !!!!!!
Im a little surprised to find that people believe Bush has any more real power over decisions than Blair over his perm secretary...or more realistically Hacker over Humphrey.
Warming the Bed
Sorry i was under the impression that what Bush said happened? As for Blair, he seems more popular than many Pms....
Churchill was spurrned and cast away many times before he became PM in Britains time of need. He has since been remembers as a war leader.... I believe that Blair might end up the same way.
a Dubya fan outside the US ! ....just an observation mind
Aaaaaaah better the Devil ya know.................
If youre already in it in it to win it ;-)
Quote by Silk and Big G
Aaaaaaah better the DEVIL ya know.................

biggrin I guess thats a balanced subliminal
On a knife edge mate.........on a knife edge :-)
Quote by deancannock
you know the worst thing...forget this know who the next one will be in 4 years time.............yes Arnie...the terminator...mark my worrds he will be president in 4 years time !!!!!!

That ain't going to happen. Arnie can't run for the presidency as he wasn't born in America. Yes, he's a naturalised immigrant, but that prohibits him for running for the presidency under US law.
Not a problem, just change the constitution, it's not as though they're using it just now :mad: