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Endangered Wildlife

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Once the red squirrel was a common sight In British parks and on country walks, yet now they are a rare sight indeed. It is common knowledge that the introduction of the Grey squirrel to our countryside has been the primary reason for the rapid decline in our native breed. Alas this is not the only wildlife which has dramatically been endangered by the introduction of a competitive breed from across the Atlantic.
I recall summertime walks as a child and taking for granted the sight of Y-fronts resting on washing-lines. The variety of Y-front was astounding: the Lesser-spotted White Y, the Greater Stained Y, the brightly coloured M&S, along with the Brown Paisley. Endless rows of garden washing-lines, all with Y-fronts relaxing in the breeze.
The Y-front did not just inhabit the city gardens. On sandy beaches along the British coast they could be seen basking in the sun or dipping in a rock pool.
Many believe it was the 1984-1990 Levi’s advertising campaign which introduced the American bred Boxer-Shorts into the UK. The Boxer-Shorts where never really considered a threat to out native breeds of Y’s - as they flourished in abundance and the Boxers were initially meant to have been contained and restricted to television captivity.
Nobody quite knows how, but the Boxers began to reproduce outside of the containment area and soon they were establishing themselves in towns and cities far away from the recording studios.
To this day studies cannot clearly define how the Boxers had such a rapid impact on the numbers of Y-fronts. But the success of the Boxer was undoubtedly linked to the rapid decline in Y’s up and down the country.
At an astounding rate the Boxers evolved and new breeds appeared. The Common Cotton-Mix, which had been the original breed, was also now under threat by the genetically advanced Calvins.
I had the glorious privilege of sighting a Greater Stained Y on Sunday. Once seen in abundance, this now rare and lonely creature was resting on a bus shelter. As I gazed in wonderment at this rare sight, I realised how we should not take for granted that our Great British wildlife breeds will be around forever and treasure each and every sighting as a blessing that they live on.
In support of the Foundation for the Preservation of British Underwear Wildlife, I have pledged to help make record of the sightings to establish current numbers across the UK.
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.
Sex God
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Utterly brilliant thread hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Quote by The Muttleys
Utterly brilliant thread hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

Yep, another Polo classic.
Brill wink
Yeah yeah yeah.... but don't forget to log your Y-front sightings!
Warming the Bed
hahahahaha I love it!
Ive discussed this with mrs m, and she thinks she may have seen a mating pair of speckled y fronts, when we were out and about last week.
We have decided to take time off work and go out and hunt for them.
Will keep you all posted as to our progress.
Fingers crossed.....this could be a great find!! :shock:
Quote by The Muttleys
Ive discussed this with mrs m, and she thinks she may have seen a mating pair of speckled y fronts, when we were out and about last week.
We have decided to take time off work and go out and hunt for them.
Will keep you all posted as to our progress.
Fingers crossed.....this could be a great find!! :shock:

Oh my word that would be something to see.
Please see if you can get a snap to help us verify their exact breed.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
Warming the Bed
Quote by PoloLady
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

I don't know if I should admitt to this, but...
A couple of weeks ago I bought a nice pack of trendy trunk type undies from Next. Imagine my horror when I tried them on at home to find they feature an inverted Y shape on the front with a handy gap for "getting your bits out".
I'm still waiting for the police to arrive - after all trading in endangered species is taken very seriously by the courts, I believe...
Quote by Mark Horne
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

I don't know if I should admitt to this, but...
A couple of weeks ago I bought a nice pack of trendy trunk type undies from Next. Imagine my horror when I tried them on at home to find they feature an inverted Y shape on the front with a handy gap for "getting your bits out".
I'm still waiting for the police to arrive - after all trading in endangered species is taken very seriously by the courts, I believe...
:shock: :cry:
Warming the Bed
Y front sightings in the Birmingham region a little low this time of the year. However, I have just by chance come across (yes, I was that excited) a pair of leopardskin thong/g-strings. I can't get too close in the fear that I will scare them away and will never get to see their like again, but I believe them to be the ultra rare male of the species, and they may have been in a 3 way fight with a jar of marmite/ chocolate spread and what appears to look like cheesy pasta sauce biggrin
Quote by zana2000
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

I don't know if I should admitt to this, but...
A couple of weeks ago I bought a nice pack of trendy trunk type undies from Next. Imagine my horror when I tried them on at home to find they feature an inverted Y shape on the front with a handy gap for "getting your bits out".
I'm still waiting for the police to arrive - after all trading in endangered species is taken very seriously by the courts, I believe...
Could you please demonstrate the "handy gap for getting your bits out" via means of a pic posted oh here. All in the interests of education, of course!! lol
Shame on you. Don't think of the poor Y which had to suffer for you to get a quick thrill.
Quote by oralking
Y front sightings in the Birmingham region a little low this time of the year. However, I have just by chance come across (yes, I was that excited) a pair of leopardskin thong/g-strings. I can't get too close in the fear that I will scare them away and will never get to see their like again, but I believe them to be the ultra rare male of the species, and they may have been in a 3 way fight with a jar of marmite/ chocolate spread and what appears to look like cheesy pasta sauce biggrin

:shock: ........ envy sad
Warming the Bed
Quote by PoloLady
In support of the Foundation for the Preservation of British Underwear Wildlife, I have pledged to help make record of the sightings to establish current numbers across the UK.
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

:lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
I had to make a quick call on this one.. but it is believed that several pairs of Pied "Y"s are presently nesting in a box in the back of my fathers loft, although numbers are hard to exact due to the presence of two male, fairly-skittered Long Johns and a quite ferocious, large Pink, lesser frilled Bloomer, which are protecting them. My mother says she's quite content to leave them alone, she also says she quite likes the Commando look .. dunno .. I thought he'd out grown his army days!!! confused
After receiving a tip off of a sighting in Swithland Woods - I had to rush out this afternoon in the hope of confirming what I had been told.
Oh if only I had taken my camera.
I searched for ages and was about to give up when I came across a brook and there sitting quietly on the bank, sipping on the cool water I saw it….. a Lesser-Faded Royal Blue Y-front. I could clearly see the white banding around the waste and the faded orange hue on the front under-belly was unmistakable.
Unfortunately the sun was setting and the light faded fast. Whilst it lasted it was truly breath taking.
Quote by naughtynymphos1
i think sleazys got some somewhere lolbolt

In captivity :shock: mad
Sex God
I recently spotted the increasingly rare, sky blue coal dust Y front.
I actually think I've discovered it's nesting area and hope to be provide pictures, in situ, at a later date. biggrin
Quote by Jas-Tim
I recently spotted the increasingly rare, sky blue coal dust Y front.
I actually think I've discovered it's nesting area and hope to be provide pictures, in situ, at a later date. biggrin

Oh can I come and see the nesting area wink
Sex God
Quote by PoloLady
I recently spotted the increasingly rare, sky blue coal dust Y front.
I actually think I've discovered it's nesting area and hope to be provide pictures, in situ, at a later date. biggrin

Oh can I come and see the nesting area wink
Of course you can..................twitchers of the world unite lol :lol: :lol:
SLEAZY............release those y fronts at once, as it has been announced this very pm, that to keep y's in captivity is illegal and carries a stiff here is your stiff sentence...................
LET 'EM FECKIN' GO>>>>>RIGHT ??? :shock: :shock: mad
Stiff enough pololady hun?? wink
Quote by The Muttleys
Stiff enough pololady hun?? wink

It might be stiff now - but how long will it stay that way lol
Warming the Bed
Quote by zana2000
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

I don't know if I should admitt to this, but...
A couple of weeks ago I bought a nice pack of trendy trunk type undies from Next. Imagine my horror when I tried them on at home to find they feature an inverted Y shape on the front with a handy gap for "getting your bits out".
I'm still waiting for the police to arrive - after all trading in endangered species is taken very seriously by the courts, I believe...
Could you please demonstrate the "handy gap for getting your bits out" via means of a pic posted oh here. All in the interests of education, of course!! lol
Shame on you. Don't think of the poor Y which had to suffer for you to get a quick thrill.
Let me near it and it wont "suffer " at all, in fact I can guarantee that it will positively enjoy showing itself :twisted:
It is all in the technique you see
In fact Zana, with the right encouragement (such as a quick peek at your avatar) you may find it will come out all on it's own... :P
Everyone..........please check out blues thread on pants immediately.....................theres a single, and very rare pair of y's in there...trapped, and i dont know how to release them back into the wild, cos sleazy's actually got them on his arse. :shock: :shock:
See how rare they are!
Look - no bloody sightings for ages :shock: sad
Sex God
After reading this thread, I have decided to do teh right thing and liberate mine...
They are now roaming free on the wilds of Cannock Chase.
Quote by zana2000
Please help by noting your sightings in a hope we can preserve this breed for generations to come.

I don't know if I should admitt to this, but...
A couple of weeks ago I bought a nice pack of trendy trunk type undies from Next. Imagine my horror when I tried them on at home to find they feature an inverted Y shape on the front with a handy gap for "getting your bits out".
I'm still waiting for the police to arrive - after all trading in endangered species is taken very seriously by the courts, I believe...
Could you please demonstrate the "handy gap for getting your bits out" via means of a pic posted oh here. All in the interests of education, of course!! lol
The gap is anything but handy - I can assure you (I seem to remember from my youth redface ).
Boxers are crap - I always end up with tip of me tackle tickling me knee cool .
Thin silky hipsters should be made compulsory - except they tend to creep up me arse crack :shock: - so I tend to wear slightly thicker ones in the office.
Phoenix, you are to be congratulated on your conservationist attitude. This make it easier for others to have a chance to view these rare and wonderful creatures.
My gratitude to you sir!! wink
I believe, however that this is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the number of 'y' still in captivity, and i believe if they were released 'en'bloc', there would be a population explosion, because, as we all know they dont breed in captivity.
If all the 'y's were released now we would have a flourishing, 'y' community that would bring pleasure to 1000's.
rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
The "we are in for a hard winter " forcasts could be right,
Sighted a lone "buff fronted " in a bush at a local layby last night, returned at first light this morning,and it had gone without trace.
Could this mean they are migrating to warmer climates dunno