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Erm.... Hiya!

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Hello everyone who reads this.
Sorry if this is a crap post but I'm feeling good tonight. There is a point to this post ....somewhere!
Had such a wonderful day and night.
Ok, so I'm a bit drunk but hey..... I've not been out for aaaaaaaages!
Does anyone else feel really good when drunk? I know a lot of people who feel sad, angry and violent when drunk so what sort of drunk are you?
(This has taken me about 15 minutes to write...... i have triple vision at the moment!)

I'm a sleeping drunk... which is why I don't drink. confused
Quote by onlyme1981
Hello everyone who reads this.
Sorry if this is a crap post but I'm feeling good tonight. There is a point to this post ....somewhere!
Had such a wonderful day and night.
Ok, so I'm a bit drunk but hey..... I've not been out for aaaaaaaages!
Does anyone else feel really good when drunk? I know a lot of people who feel sad, angry and violent when drunk so what sort of drunk are you?
(This has taken me about 15 minutes to write...... i have triple vision at the moment!)

I have three stages...
Happy Drunk.....( I love the world and everyone in it)
Horny Drunk........(All my clothes fall off and can be found dancing on table tops at the Bully, Cowley Road..............ring for more information and show times)
Blubbering Idiot Drunk.........(I cant cope, please define me, what is the purpose to my very existence!)
Incidently, all three are combined with....
Smallest Bladder in the world Drunk.....(I need to pee NOW, so Im going to go right here....No I dont care who is watching, right here!!!....cover me, Im going in!)
Silky xxxxxxx
ps I cant comment on Big G as I have yet to see him truly rat arsed. If theres a man out there that can hold his vodka, straight up, no mix, loads of ice, just serve it to me in a pint glass, its him.
nowt wrong with the odd little drinkie. a good time is generally quite good. good one! ;-)
now get yourself off and have some more good times.

sorry i'm drunk and forgot the answer.
i am the happy outrageous flirt type drunk, who forgets all about taxi fare and has to walk five miles home, gets about 2 miles, keels over backwards unconscious, breaks a rib, wakes up in time to see a taxi he can't afford bearing down on him and shitting himself, walks for about an hour in extreme agony, finds himself back where he started from, turns round and goes the other way, 3 hours later gets home after that all uphill is this an escalator, needs casualty the next day, type drunk! it's not pretty. it's not big. and it's not clever. bloody funny though!
<<< true story! >>>

neil x x x ;-)
I am very much the three stage drunk too.......
stood, sat, and fallen down! lol
I'm the kind thats a happy drunk. It also makes me quite naughty..... wild even....:twisted: :twisted: :lol:
If the atmosphere and the people are right, I'm a really happy drunk. Luckily, that was the case tonight biggrin
Don't do very very very drunk anymore. It's quite embarassing to be lying on the floor of a nightclub, with your arms wrapped around a friend's ankles, holding a bottle of vodka (goodness knows how I acquired that confused ) and singing along to 'Barbie Girl.' It's a hell of a lot more embarassing to wake up the next morning thinking that you went home straight after the pub, only to be handed the photos, in full view of most of the people who were there...
(Anybody know 'The Raz' (aka Blue Angel) Seel St. Liverpool ? Not the best place to get intimate with the floor :eeek: )
I should be grateful for drunken nights out, it's how my gorgeous fella and I started dating.
The fact we still can't remember what happened should be worrying..... but it all worked out well in the end biggrin
I vowed I'd never drink that much again........ rolleyes
G. x
Sex God
Quote by onlyme1981
(This has taken me about 15 minutes to write...... i have triple vision at the moment!)

Tip for people with triple vision:
Snog the one in the middle. :D
Sex God
Quote by JudyTV
I am also a three stage drunk
(1) 2 or 3 drinks very happy and love everyone
(2) 4 or 5 drinks extremely happy and want to sleep with someone
(3) 5 plus drinks ......bring it it on. x xxxx xxxxx xxxx anyone.

After six pints, I couldn't give a XXXX rotflmao
Sex God
Quote by JudyTV
(4) After 6 plus, Ice Pie and I are an item. I refuse his proposal of a committed relationship but in my highly intoxicated state I invite him to a Tranny gang bang........................Ice Pie graciously accepts, I was not entirely surprised. His resistance level is quite dreadful after ...............2 pints. Which shows that his statement of not giving a xxxx is probably accurate wink . men are so weak at times.
JudyTV........on the waggon waving a marriage certificate with ice Pie.

:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
Only you could write that and get away with it! biggrin
Im a very happy drunk who tends to talk yoo much,so nothing new there then!!I can tend to try and explain something simple and it can take hours.
I also get a very dirrrrty when im drunk and tend to use Steve as a pole to dance around,or right up against,but i don't think he minds though!! :twisted: biggrin
Quote by JonJon
Don't do very very very drunk anymore. It's quite embarassing to be . . . . . .

I try not to do very drunk anymore too. That hasn't always bee the case though.
I have woken up in some strange places due to the demon. Saffron Walden Common without my trousers, to face a 3 or 4 mile walk back to camp. Inside a stadt bin (the big square bins on wheels with a lid) in Herford; to name but two.
Now I'm pretty much a happy, sometimes girlie giggly sort of drunk. But as some one else said above - a great deal depends on the place, time and company.
Here's to lots of happy drunkeness
Warming the Bed
I'm a happy drunk smile
Quote by dambuster
Inside a stadt bin (the big square bins on wheels with a lid) in Herford

Ahhh!! Herford - Home of the yellow handbag !! :cheers:
I went to bed a really bloody happy drunk and woken up this morning a really pissed off sore headed-hungover furry tongued arse!
How the hell did that happen????
What do they mean Port and Cherry Brandy!!!
I get loud when I'm drunk and if you know me you'll know that this is bad because I'm loud normally
Molly xx
Quote by Benz2502
I went to bed a really bloody happy drunk and woken up this morning a really pissed off sore headed-hungover furry tongued arse!
How the hell did that happen????
What do they mean Port and Cherry Brandy!!!

Its called the beer monkey he comes in the night after a heavy drinking session steals all your money smacks you round the head with a saucepan and leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
Thought everyone knew about the legend of the beer monkey!
Well I feel fine this (late) morning! I don't get hangover's which is cool.
As said by some of you - It does depend on the place and company I'm with as to what sort of drunk I am but generally I'm a happy one.
I don't usually drink to excess or ever even, but every now and then I think it's a good thing to let your hair down and have a bloody good time - so that's what I did last night!
Must say my feet hurt a bit from all the dancing!

Well, as I like to be in control (hehehe, wink ) I do not get drunk.
I am a teetotaller of 16 years standing. And lying down. And doggy style. Or any other poistion you care to mention.
I try not to do drunk anymore, it's a next day thing. I didn't discover the hangover till I was past 40 but now I know the price I'm not often keen to pay.
My worst drunk was when I got so rat-arsed the wife wouldn't sleep with me, and next morning I discovered I'd had a shit in the laundry basket! Urrgghh (before you say it).
It's still a secret, I managed to discover the awful truth next day before she did.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Ahhh!! Herford - Home of the yellow handbag !! :cheers:

So do you remember doing the Mindener Stasse strip, or were over the other side of town???
Them wer t'days, eh, nip???
If had it since I came back to the UK but it just doesn't taste the same somehow.
Mind you, does anyone know where I can find genuine schnapps. Just ordinary plain schnapps, not the perfumed/flavoured stuff in Tesco??
I used to drink larger, that gave me an awfull hangover from the night before.
I now drink bitter, and can't remember the night before. :shock:
I'm a gentleman drunk... a cheerful drunk... I'm tipsy and squiffy drunk... I'm a your my best mate drunk... i'm a tearful crying in my beer drunk... a ranting drunk... a rambling sort of drunk... a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy kind of drunk.... i'm a bit of a drunk... i can be a right drunk... i can be an angry drunk, but rarely...I'm an non-violent drunk... a passionate drunk...i'm a can drink you all under the table with the possible exception of Big G type drunk... i'm a last man standing drunk... i'm one of the four drunks of the post closing time apocalypse... i'm a steaming drunk...i'm a munch drunk...i'm a munch drinker than your are sort of drunk...i'm a pissing drunk...I'm a don't call me drunk drunk...even though I am a drunk drunk...i'm a drunkety drunk...i'm a drunkety drunk, drunk drunk drunk drunk... drinkies
..................mostly I'm just a sober drunk! wink
Sex God
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Sex God
I guess I do three sorts of drunk ... all which are very rare (diabetic here).
1) is the giggly one .... the one whose hubby asks i nthe club and I'm sober "are you okay do you need the loo?" and the answer is yes and no in that order. !0 paces out the club and my legs are likely jelly I fall over giggling and then complain I need to pee !!!!! :shock:
2) is the I'm demi moore doing a striptease round an imaginary pole in our lounge, falls asleep unconscious and is very ill the next day!
3) is the idiotic I've drunk so much I have no idea who I am where I am or that I need an ambulance to get me out of the gutter and into A&E NOW!!!!!!! (my drink was spiked rather nastily sad in my defence).
Morbius is a drunk very much in the mould of NeilinLeeds, spends the taxi money, wanders in the wrong direction, bounces off walls and round bus shelters. If you've met us you will appreciate the size difference and that carrying him home 2 miles on his 25th birthday was not the easiest thing in the world I have ever done!!!.
Well the last time I got really really drunk I ended up doing a topless lapdance on my best friend (male).....he wasn't impressed....LoL.....
I get very horny when I'm drunk and it's quite funny from what I understand.....
I`m a chatty drunk, but the next stage for me is the worst drunk anyone wants to encounter, which is the overcompensative, oh too serious, counsellor drunk. It`s denial.
`I`m NOT drunk, I can be serious, sit here whilst I tell you my life story and show how really understanding I can be about yours` drunk.
If anyone sees me in that mode, (and I know plenty of you have). plase, for your sake as well as mine, shoot me!.
Warming the Bed
im a very happy drunk and a chaty one ,,,,,,, :cry: buy crap in bed ,,,,,,,
Quote by usefuldibdob
im a very happy drunk and a chaty one ,,,,,,, :cry: but crap in bed ,,,,,,,

Funny - I never want a crap when I'm drunk.
Sex God
Quote by westerross
im a very happy drunk and a chaty one ,,,,,,, :cry: but crap in bed ,,,,,,,

Funny - I never want a crap when I'm drunk.
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: