nowt wrong with the odd little drinkie. a good time is generally quite good. good one! ;-)
now get yourself off and have some more good times.
sorry i'm drunk and forgot the answer.
i am the happy outrageous flirt type drunk, who forgets all about taxi fare and has to walk five miles home, gets about 2 miles, keels over backwards unconscious, breaks a rib, wakes up in time to see a taxi he can't afford bearing down on him and shitting himself, walks for about an hour in extreme agony, finds himself back where he started from, turns round and goes the other way, 3 hours later gets home after that all uphill is this an escalator, needs casualty the next day, type drunk! it's not pretty. it's not big. and it's not clever. bloody funny though!
<<< true story! >>>
neil x x x ;-)
I went to bed a really bloody happy drunk and woken up this morning a really pissed off sore headed-hungover furry tongued arse!
How the hell did that happen????
What do they mean Port and Cherry Brandy!!!
I get loud when I'm drunk and if you know me you'll know that this is bad because I'm loud normally
Molly xx
I try not to do drunk anymore, it's a next day thing. I didn't discover the hangover till I was past 40 but now I know the price I'm not often keen to pay.
My worst drunk was when I got so rat-arsed the wife wouldn't sleep with me, and next morning I discovered I'd had a shit in the laundry basket! Urrgghh (before you say it).
It's still a secret, I managed to discover the awful truth next day before she did.
I used to drink larger, that gave me an awfull hangover from the night before.
I now drink bitter, and can't remember the night before. :shock:
Well the last time I got really really drunk I ended up doing a topless lapdance on my best friend (male).....he wasn't impressed....LoL.....
I get very horny when I'm drunk and it's quite funny from what I understand.....
I`m a chatty drunk, but the next stage for me is the worst drunk anyone wants to encounter, which is the overcompensative, oh too serious, counsellor drunk. It`s denial.
`I`m NOT drunk, I can be serious, sit here whilst I tell you my life story and show how really understanding I can be about yours` drunk.
If anyone sees me in that mode, (and I know plenty of you have). plase, for your sake as well as mine, shoot me!.
im a very happy drunk and a chaty one ,,,,,,, :cry: buy crap in bed ,,,,,,,