Firelizard (sorry I’m late!)
The recent plea for a photographer by Sassy got me thinking that it was about time we had a new and exciting SH competition, something arty, something classy, and something to showcase our talent.
Welcome to the 1st annual Swinging Heaven erotic photography competition.
All entries must be solely the work of the photographer.
All models must consent to the image being used on the site, and must be SH members.
All photos must be Black and White…its art after all
Other rules will undoubtedly appear they always do.
The object of the exercise is to find interesting and imaginative ways of portraying the human body in an erotic and artistic way. Old, young, male, female, other, all welcome .
Fun will be had merriment will be made polls will be polled and a winner will be selected.
Or should I shut the feck up?