Seeing as we seem to be getting a constant influx of new addicts ... erm swingers to our delightful corner of the 'net perhaps we ought to look at the essential kit neeeded by a swinger :shock:
Inflatable mattress ..... for the occasional overnight guests, also saves carpet burn on the lounge floor :twisted:
For those with young children ...... don't throw out those baby monitors ... hey serve as an excellent 2 minute warning when the little "darlings" wake up in the middle of the evening just as you are settling down for some fun.
Anyone add to the list?
C x
Ermm what about
1. Packets of Jelly
2. Vodka
3. Jelly mould or suitable item for making Jelly in
4. Foot pump for those inflatable mattresses
I have none of the above which shows how successful I am but I do have number five on my list
5. Packet of condoms (but it is a full up still sealed highly expensive box :cry: )
Harry Jones
Sat nav for the car
Saves getting lost and time when visiting new friends for the first time
Ermmmm Can l just add myself to the essential swingers list? Please please please? :bounce: :bounce: :happy: :giggle:
Ummm our inflatable matress can be connected to the electric so we dont need the foot pump.
For us an essentail piece of kit is either wet wipes or intimate wipes etc, I am alost obsessed with keeping me bits clean!!!!
SO .....
Inflatable mattress & pump
Child monitors
Massage oil
Mrs Beds
Vodka Jelly
a sense of humour
(sounds like one of Blues parties!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: )
Anything else???
C x
A huge tub of 'skin thickening cream' would be a must .
Choccie or Choccie sauce :twisted:
And add an optimistic expectation
Backup plan, incase it all goes "tits up"