The only place I can't sleep is in bed at night. Although I am conditioned to sleep when someone turns the lights off and I'm comfy ( the cinema, the theatre, the planetarium) .. for some reason it doesn't happen in bed. I sleep a lot at the keyboard, in chatrooms etc. In fact when I was working I used to fall asleep when I was reading a story to a double class. Buses, coaches and trains are like sleeping pills to me. Have come close to sleeping at the wheel a few times so now have the heating OFF and the window open. The more I fight it the worse it gets. Maybe I got narcolepsy
Therefore if you see me in a chat room and speak to me and I don't answer the chances are that I am asleep Oh and the best sleeping was done at what were playfully called twilight courses at work. You do a full day in the classroom then spend a couple of hours sitting and being droned at by some boring person. Hard to disguise the snoring :bounce: