Time for a nice pleasant post I think.
My favorite flower is the 'white rose'. It reminds me of home, the wide open space and great men exploring the world. Swimming in a small bay with dolphins and turtle. A hot day. A pick-nick my the monument and that brings me back to Yorkshire.
What is yours.
Mine is this and it has nothing to do with Texas >>>>>>
The Rose of friendship.
....ive always had a thing for white lilies ...years ago, in some slightly stoned haze, someone gently put one in front of my nose to smell, then told me to look at the stamnen in the centre, it was oozing with some sticky wet stuff (im genuinely not trying to make this sound filthy), they then said to let it gently touch the end of my nose, at which point my nose felt amazing.. i'll never forget it.
obviously the stoned stupor had its affect... but I still love doing it today, not stoned these days mind.
I don't have a particular favourite flower but I loved receiving these
I am a very keen gardener (which feels like a kinky confession!) and adore lots of flowers but I'll keep the list short....
'Chocolate Cosmos' which has dark velvety flowers on tall slim stalks that smell divinely of chocolate!
Heliotrope, deep purple and smells of vanilla.
The flowers I love receiving most are a big fat bouquet of yellow roses :love:
can`t pick a favourite flower...........totally indiscriminate gardener........got bits from everyones gardens..........walk down roads and take cuttings...........been known to yell stop while i jump out of the car and nick a bit.......like to see em growing rather than with their heads chopped off in a vase.......got pretty much everything anyones mentioned ,red, yellow, white, pink, peach roses........red yellow pink mauve poppies......pots of freesias.....lavender ,stocks etc etc etc.......and not a bare inch of flower bed for a weed to grow.................
I like lillies. I have a great photo of some from my back garden last year, but it's not on pc at the mo. If i find it i will post it.
Just can't chooes sorry.
My garden is completely overgrown and wild, a weed is just a flower in the wrong place - my garden is full of the most wonderful flowers! From the thistles (which the goldfinches love) to the dog rose and the rushes and the creeping buttercup. A multitude of differnt grasses, which, when wet, look spectacular in the morning sun, the hunisuckle which smells delectable in the evening.
Who needs F1 hibreds?