Hmmmm hard to choose.
I'm old enough to remember the 60's - can still remember hearing 'Sugar, Sugar' playing in a pub whilst waiting for a bus outside The Marples - Dambuster might remember that pub.
70's - Sweet, T-Rex - fab.
80's - oooo Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, met Mr FB, got married, got pregnant - all great.
90's - went back to school. Hmmmm.
Naughties - well :twisted:
70`s for me
remember going to see Queen at Newcastle university before the made it big , Elton John as support act to Bowie at the city hall, Dr Feelgood , Yes, then Rick wakeman ..........Oh those memories
now where is that box with the old records in
oooh this is so hard, i dont think i can chose one cos i love them all for totally different reasons
60's motown, soul, del shannon, billy fury, gene pitney etc etc
70's glam rock, punk, rocky horror
80's mission, sisters of mercy, gary numan, thethe, the cult, the cure oh i could go on forever
90's brought grunge, nirvana, pearl jam etc
00's slipknot, audioslave, soad, qotsa, him and so on and so forth
my fave decade i suppose has to be the one i am in at the present time whenever in my life that is, cos i am alive and enjoying myself
Earthy xx
All my decades so far have been great.
60s - music and sexual awakening
70s - music again and my Angelica coming into my life
80s - young kids growing up
90s - kids growing into adults up introducing me to more fab music
00s -music and sexual awakening (courtesy of the beautiful people of SH) - do they call that a life cycle I wonder??
To paraphrase those god-dudes "Bill and Ted"
The best place to be is right here and the best time is right now.
Party on dudes
OMG it's the 80's for me all the way
Wild hair, outrageous outfits, wild parties, fabulous music - we had an 80's party a while back if only I could show the photos!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody marvellous era, I am simply the best at 80's music trivia. Met Blue, the love of my life.
During the 90's and 00's we were simply being too married and too sensible by far...........until now we have discovered swinging...he he
pink x