Chatting in chatland with a chatter who chats back chattily earlier we sort of played around with a word for sex.
As it happens I know the lady I was chatting to likes to use the word fuck for sex whereas I like to use the word shag, which she finds a bit crap, we have a laugh over it regardless because both of us know its harmless banter. It is interesting though how people find different terms.
What words do others use for the sexual act or indeed any sexual act or organ or anything else of a sexual nature. For instance I prefer the term butt fucking rather than anal, which I find far too clinical
I like to say 'fuck' when in the act because I never normally say it. Out of direct context I prefer to say 'shag'. I still get embarrassed at swearing so it seems lascivious to use 'dirrrty' words.
Fuck is not a swear word, when used to describe what I want to do to, strike that, with you.
OK, yes some little drunken twat will will use the word on the street, and yes he will be swearing, but that is not the word. It is the use!
nibbly-nibbly-noo to the fruity-fresh- foofoo
i have spells of favourite words. for some reason 'Titties' is towards the top of the chart at present, possibly because someone who uses it quite frequently is back posting elsewhere and i like the way the word just sort of tumbles out of your mouth.....and i quite like Titties too :mrgreen:
I am pretty bashful when it comes to dirty words when talking about sex, but when worked up all sorts of things can tumble out of my mouth, that I shock myself :shock:
would a necrophiliac indulge in a little Slap n Sickle?
I love the way American women say ASS!
Sorry, too much porn, too much wanking, not enough sleep!
"Lets get it on"! followed by "oh yes" and "Fuck me harder" :twisted: