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Feeling grumpy - spelling!!

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6 watchers
Here's my tuppence worth!
There are posts which are written in haste, there are posts which are written when the writer is somewhat lubricated and there are posts which show the writer off to be someone who doesn't care.
Do most of us remember 'swingingpete' <shudder> and his complete antipathy towards what others were asking him to do?
The odd spelling/typo or punctuation mistake is perfectly acceptable and I would HATE people who are struggling with dyslexia to feel isolated or excluded from SH.
So, a little tolerance on both sides I hope.
On a lighter note - has anyone read about the new BBC programme based on Pop Idol - it's a spelling bee (honestly!). If I can find the link I'll post it in few moments.
Rocky - just for you: I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'm no awa tae lee you, I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'll aye come back to see you.
lol :lol:
PS in edit: no link but here's the paragraph from BBC News about it:
"The best idea in the schedule is the national spelling contest Hard Spell, following the success of the brilliant film Spellbound.
"It is a great idea that should become a big hit, and is exactly what BBC One should be doing."

Looking forward to that one :shock:
I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'm no awa tae lee you, I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'll aye come back to see you.

You forgot to add.....JIMMY..?
Quote by rocky horror
I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'm no awa tae lee you, I'm no awa tae bide awa, I'll aye come back to see you.

You forgot to add.....JIMMY..?
No, not Jimmy.. Rabbie!! cool
Chris148 wrote:
Having scan read this post I apologise if someone else has said the same:
Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynn Truss

No need to apologise, but:
Quote by redshiftnights
Maybe I'm just in a grumpy mood tonight (perhaps its (Apostrophe missing. Ed.) the heat!), but I've just been idly browsing through the SH ads section . . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.) have (Capital letter required for new sentence. Ed.) some of these people never learnt to spell?, (Superfluous comma. Ed.) if not (Comma missing. Ed.) why not use spell check and then paste the text in?. (Superfluous full stop. Ed.) Surely if you are writing a (Missing letter n. Ed.) 'ad (Superfluous apostrophe. Ed.) the whole idea is to create a good impression (Comma missing. Ed.) especially if you are a single male with the mass of competition you have, what sort of impression does it create if you can't even put to (Superfluous word. Ed.) together a coherent ad of about half a dozen lines without stupid spelling errors? . . . (Superfluous ellipsis. Ed.)

People in glass houses...
Good one Ice pie!
Im alittle dyslexic and miss read things sometimes and forget how to spell words ive spelt before very strange and frustrating, but not as a annoying as small mined people takeing the piss out of other peoples problems.
Get a life!
Guess i will upset afew people on here out for cheap laughs oh well!
I hope neither MM nor anyone else thinks I was taking the piss. It just struck me as a bit ironic that a post calling for accuracy should have so many inaccuracies in it, and it reminded me that when we are less than perfect, our judgements of others can come back to bite us. OK, they weren't the major, cringe-making howlers he was talking about, but if you're going to be pedantic it's probably wise to limit your intellectual target practice to yourself.
Vix made the point that she spots her mistakes and corrects them. Fine, but I don't think she considered that a lot of people don't know they've made a mistake, and I don't think any of us are justified in making assumptions about what the reasons for other people's mistakes might be. In particular there was a comment about not being able to articulate oneself in one's native language. She doesn't know what my native language is because I haven't told her, and if I had been raised by parents whose language skills weren't well-developed, then the language I would have ended up with as a result of that would be my native language, expressed precisely as I had learned it.
My purpose in highlighting MM's errors was not to criticise him for them, but to urge caution when criticising others, because unless they tell us, we won't know for sure why their spelling is poor and we could end up feeling very silly when the person we've judged intellectually beneath us turns out to be a genius with a minor problem.
MMMMMMMMMm - my FIRST language wasn't English ... no, not even Scots... and it doesn't help!! English is a very difficult language to master and I am lucky that I soon became bi-lingual.
I recall a story being told about a group of foreign language students struggling with English but only gave up when confronted with a large billboard which read 'Shakespeare pronounced success' - for the life of them they couldn't understand that!!
lol :lol: :lol:
And another thing, why use mobile phone text abbreviations in an ad, as far as I'm aware, we're not limited to 160 characters so why use str8 and R U 4 US? Does that make me pathetic and small-minded? Probably.
I try not to judge based on the ad and bear in mind that it might have been written hurriedly in a lunch hour whilst worrying if the boss really can snoop in on what you're doing.
I tend to make my judgement based on the pattern of the carpet they're posing on, if it looks like my grandma's, I probably won't send them an e-mail.
And if we're being pedantic, isn't it spelt Placebo?
How many years to get to godlike?
Feeling Grumpy????
Did he like it?
I don't remember that bit in the Disney Film!
Quote by Alexandra
Feeling Grumpy????
Did he like it?
I don't remember that bit in the Disney Film!

rotflmao :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: :rotflmao: :laughabove: