female anal sex was considerd a few years ago it was thought dirty--unsafe---and disrespectful to women. now watch any current video or dvd and female anal sex is commen place, with the women involed now asking the man or men to fuck her arse. what has change? do you think this type of sex is ok, or should still be .?
I'm sure a mod will bring this over to The CAFE for you.
Loveblock, you want us to tell you our views on this but why dont you tell us what your views are?
Us two think anal sex is great, she likes the feeling of being 'full' and i like tightness. only problem is i don't last very long while i'm there, feels too nice. lol. But we don't do it all the time as i think it would start to get boring, it's more a special treat. :twisted:
anal sex is a pain in the arse
It doesn't bother me if it's on in a porn film and I certainly don't think it's dirty or but it's not my bag..I keep one of these handy :
Minx x x
It's one of those things which falls into the "whatever floats your boat" category.
our boat is floated (but not every night)
Well in some countries its called Biirth Control.......True!!
Mike xx
or how about " any port in a storm" :thumbup:
Its back in fashion like in never went away and so on.
However if there is any indication of an increase in related medical problems, its likely to lose popularity for a while. Some talk on the net and tv, indicates that frequent partakers are now going about with adult nappies and such like, in their mature years of life. This may be coincidence or it may be related. This applies to men and women. But I expect probably for those who have gone for extreme fisting and object insertions.
Must translate to plum. so any shade of purple.
that makes sense, reminds me of that famous poem by ivor biggun.
i met a woman from brum
her favourite colour was blum
her favourite was up the bum
it was the only way she could cum
i am not a poet and i do know it
What about the guys.........do you like it up the arse?