I know this has been done, but I can not find it again, and I have a new angle.
My dear W and I have been on a short break and W has been ejaculating more while we were away. So is it connected to being relaxed and carefree?
Aaaaaa but sex is messy
and yes W says it is messy.
I have never had one! I orgasm but dont 'squirt' ....am I missing out on something apart from the mess?!?!?
Ask welsh_minx1 for some inside info Fun.
anoter angle is .. i have to be relaxed if and when i do it ... but i can also partialy hold it back if i am at home (the cleaning up stops me) but i tend to let go more if i am away or at a club and find gushing easier
Relaxation and more beer, and praps the pelvic floor muscles being one holiday year older.
a friend of mine spoke to me about his just the other day and told me that his wife was goin to the doctors. The reason everytime they had sex she flowed like a waterfall and he didnt really enjoy.
Now for me this would be one of the biggest turn ons ever. Just wanted to see what the other ladies thought would you ever seek advice to stop this??
I'm sure I remember seeing a how-to guide on one free porn website or another...
I do not think I have ever found a lady squirt that much.
I had a friend who was a real spurter(I hasten to add I can only take a little credit for that!!) it was actually acutely embarrassing for her and would often leap off mid stride so to speak, never quite knew what to do apart from cling on for dear life!
You will notice I said I take little credit for her gushing if you like, and your right It would happen long before either of us reached orgasm, if indeed she ever would have with me!
I think it's more a reflex thing, I have never heard of any one achieving it through practice, although I'm sure fun can be had trying. .
Practice, practice, practice.
In my experience it can go from spurts (not quite there) to a full on water cannon (truely amazing IMHO)
I am a gusher too!
We would have to agree with what has been said on here also.. you have to relax and enjoy what is being done. I would also recommend having a pee before you start and you do get the feeling that you need to pee but once that passes then it's just amazing pleasure! Hubby has perfected it now and makes me squirt loads.. having to change the bed every time afterwards ;-)
Hubby says it is a huge turn on making a woman squirt and also seeing it. It just seems to get better and better the more you do it. :-)
We find it tends to happen after either a clitoral orgasm - or if we have been fucking for a long time - say in a Club environment. Perhaps the result of either of these is being more relaxed!!
If she is then lying on her back and i kneel between her legs and rub my cock fast across her lips then this almost guarantees the flood gates to open. At first she used to stop me cos she said it made her feel 'funny' but then one day she just let go and hey - a new discovery.
We were not trying to discover this, nor were we trying to find out how to 'gush' - it is just something that happened. I can only say that if anyone is looking for a technique to achieve 'gushing' then this position and technique sure works for us.
Listens out for the stampede up the stairs.....................................