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Female Ejaculation

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Me and a very good friend of mine (in the biblical sense) were just wondering...... Just how far is the average squirt...?
We (meaning he made me redface ) managed 3 nearly 4 foot.......
I now am just wondering IS THIS KINDA THING NORMAL ???????
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else
I find myself thinking how would you know with a head between your thighs dunno
Dawn :silly:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
I find myself thinking how would you know with a head between your thighs dunno
Dawn :silly:

rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes .Because that is how far the head was knocked back!! :shock: :shock: lol lol lol lol
Quote by Sgt Bilko
I find myself thinking how would you know with a head between your thighs dunno
Dawn :silly:

rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes rolleyes .Because that is how far the head was knocked back!! :shock: :shock: lol lol lol lol
Well in that case, someone never had a good grip on his ears!
Dawn :silly:
with enough power to propel it 73 inches there wouldnt be much of a head left between those thighs :P
wow 73 inches
that is some squirt
:laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove: :laughabove:
must have hit the window and scored hehehehehe
jaky xxxx
Quote by wild rose and the stag
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else

6'1 eh....?
73 inches??........was she stood at the top of a ladder?? :shock:
Quote by wild rose and the stag
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else

That's very precise did you have a measuring tape?
Have to say i was with a girl that was a squirter......thing is she didn't tell me and i got hit in the eye and nearly blinded!.......once i relised what had happended i couldn't get enough of it!
My wife squirted once, she told me that she had a pimple on her bum and asked if I'd squeeze it, I agreed and it was HUGE, it was on her tightrope, you now the bit where if you deviate left or right you're straight down a hole.
So she lay on her front and spread her legs and I squeezed.... she shouted "OWWW!" but nothing came out, I squeezed again, she shouted "OWWW!!!!" even louder, it popped, and I felt suddenly quite ill as I stood there only able to see through one eye and a funny taste in my mouth, she had a laughing fit and I went for a wash... redface
Did we need to know that? I mean, did you REALLY need to share that with us???
I couldn't possibly comment, redface redface (but I'm know a man who could, but he had better not dare) but was enjoyable by all redface
Quote by da69ve
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else

That's very precise did you have a measuring tape?
wink but of course i always carry one with me to maesure squirts doesnt everyone?
Quote by wild rose and the stag
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else

That's very precise did you have a measuring tape?
wink but of course i always carry one with me to maesure squirts doesnt everyone?
This is about me isn't it? I wondered why you asked me to stand against that chart on your all, and I'm 6'1", this is about me, you are calling me a squirt aren't you? Admit it, go on, admit it! poke
I never have - and you're making me jealous now sad
Quote by marmalaid
the average squirt in my experience is usually around 73 inches but thats only with girls ive sleapt with, cant speak for anyone else

That's very precise did you have a measuring tape?
wink but of course i always carry one with me to maesure squirts doesnt everyone?
This is about me isn't it? I wondered why you asked me to stand against that chart on your all, and I'm 6'1", this is about me, you are calling me a squirt aren't you? Admit it, go on, admit it! poke
You are never 6ft 1 ins or have I suddenly strunk :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I've never squirted either Rainbows but I've had some pretty intense orgasms!
I don't know about distance, but I am an absolute fan of squirt, squirting, squirters, gushers. And I take it (rightly or wrongly as a massive compliment when I'm able to help a lady reach that height of ecstasy)
The furthest, most powerful I can think of was fairly recently when she hit my feet just after I'd lifted my head from the perfumed garden. We were laid down and I'm 5 10 ish. By the force of the splash, I think if my feet hadn't been in the way, it would have reached the opposite wall ! ! ! !
(Is that too coarse?)
Hi all
well i squirt evertime i orgasum , and the furthest it has gone is 2 and half meters which my b/f measured after wards biggrin . and i have me on flim to prove it biggrin .
i think its great we girls can squirt so much lol
FOR SALEnearly new snorkel waterwings and flippers!!! 69position
blue_dragon we shoud talk! ;)
Squirtfan. x x x
I've been with a few women who squirt when they get near to or actually orgasm.
But what do they squirt ? Is it ejaculate or urine?
I've tasted it, smelt it and I do not have the answer.
However if you've got the time the following link seems to make sense but I'm still not sure it gives the definitive answer.
Read and make you're own minds up.
wink wink
Can't comment on squirts but gushes are definitely not urine.
Quote by northwest-cpl
Can't comment on squirts but gushes are definitely not urine.

As a big fan; I think squirts are just a bigger gush. And I agree it's deff not urine.
Well, in freestyle squirting the best that Alicia's achieved is about 12 inches. However in the soixante-neuf event it's usually only about 2.5".