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Stop just browsing and talk to me!
Ya bastids.
If you want men to stop browsing and talk to your face, you should know better than to wear such a low cut top.
Oy loikes tha', oy do
I like it too. Can't imagine why I was suggesting that you cover it up.
Could someone call the men in white coats? There's a patient here needing urgent treatment.
I like the ones that are cut to the waist. lol :lol: :lol:
Screw it, I been here whittering away, here, for 4 hours, mostly alone....
It's midday, it's Sunday and they're opening the pubs. Am off for a pint.
Who's with me?
See y'all later.
Hows your week been vix?hows your bum your lovebites?see im talking lol
Ah - so THAT's VIX
Nice boobs - almost a good as my Shirl's.
And - I can lick hers!!
Ian :love:
Quote by ShirleyDoes
Ah - so THAT's VIX
Nice boobs - almost a good as my Shirl's.
And - I can lick hers!!
Ian :love:

You obviously haven't asked Vix, then...have you? :P
~Reese! surprised
Er Reese - I don't believe he has, nor I, you!! :lickface:
He's away all week - I'll ask him on Friday!! lol :lol:
hump Shirley
Quote by ShirleyDoes
Er Reese - I don't believe he has, nor I, you!! :lickface:

You're most welcome to mine - any time, of course. I just hope you're not disappointed that I'm not nearly as well-endowed as Vix in that department (flat-chested bloke that I am). If you'd like to extend your focus to other anatomical attributes, however, that's an entirely different matter altogether (erm, or so I'm told)... ;)
~Reese! surprised
Quote by Reese
If you'd like to extend your focus to other anatomical attributes, however, that's an entirely different matter altogether (erm, or so I'm told)... ;)
~Reese! surprised

That's a mighty fine specimen.
No, Vix, I'm not bi biggrin
Quote by Ginsters
That's a mighty fine specimen.
No, Vix, I'm not bi biggrin

Awwwww g'wan!
Alright then
Quote by Ginsters
Alright then

Don't know what happened there.
One minute it was cheekbones, next it was penises and now I'm bi.
I think Vix hypnotised me!!!!!
She shoots, she scores!
When ya coming over?
Nice specimen there Reese, great background scenery too. I really must make a trip down to your area, if invited of course!
Seriously I do have reason to be half way there (Exeter) every now and again, I might pop round and offer to buy you a pint. Whadyasay?
Quote by Vix
She shoots, she scores!
When ya coming over?

Bloody hell, she's pulled again! :shock: I must admit I had my reservations about posting that pic, hun, but it seems to work! wink
Quote by marmalaid
Nice specimen there Reese, great background scenery too. I really must make a trip down to your area, if invited of course!
Seriously I do have reason to be half way there (Exeter) every now and again, I might pop round and offer to buy you a pint. Whadyasay?

Never let it be said that we're the sort to turn down a pint! Let us know next time you'll be near Glasters, and we'll take it from there.
~Reese! surprised
P.S. Awww, thanks for the compliment. redface You realize, of course, now that we've shown you ours... :twisted:
Jesus wept Reese! When you buy shoes, do you buy them in trios as opposed to pairs like everybody else?! :shock:
I love him for his beautiful mind, you know.
Oh yeah, that, mind, yeah............ wink
And he, mine.
It's a mutual intellectual appreciation.
Quote by Vix
And he, mine.
It's a mutual intellectual appreciation.

That`a always the best kind smile
Quote by Reese
P.S. Awww, thanks for the compliment. redface You realize, of course, now that we've shown you ours... :twisted:
Always one to 'rise' to a challenge matey boy!

Sorry that it doesn't have quite the backdrop that yours does, but we might be able to rectify that, whadyathinkVix?
Good job, that man!
Quote by VenusnMars
Jesus wept Reese! When you buy shoes, do you buy them in trios as opposed to pairs like everybody else?! :shock:

Oh, Venus, you are too kind! :love: Careful, though - you'll cause my ego to swell! :mrgreen:
~Reese! surprised
OK boys
I know you're there, but just watching me, WBB & Venus.
OK, we're worth watching, but you could talk to us, you know!