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Finally did it ......

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This morning i finally had my wisdom teeth out :cry: All went okay apart from being told to have a third wisdom tooth out whilst they were at it, not being able to find a vein so had to try three times in the end, low blood pressure made my coming round slow so was given a glucose drink, where i promptly threw up redface
Now at home in bed, dosed up with pain killers, hungry but not being able to eat much apart from soup, swollen, tender and dribbling like a baby!
Oh well, its done now, thank god, been fretting about this for ages (thanks for those ppl before for the support on that thread) smile
PS. Thanks to Satin for leaving my bum with marks from being whipped on Sat, made me laugh when i went to put on the backless gown :shock:
nice now isn't it, ive only got one wisdom tooth left, and at the moment its no problem, touch wood, oh crap, wheres some wood............... biggrin
God how sore was it? Did you feel anything? Did they put yuo to sleep? Tell me all about it please cause I need to go get mines out and I'm absolutely terrified. Actually am thinkin bout just leaving it but they are so damn painful
I have had on and off problems with my wisdom teeth for a while, but never had the guts to have them taken out. Hope its not to sore, maybe you could suck some vodka through a straw, for medic purposes only of course.
Having wisdom teeth extracted is a real pain (no pun intended).
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
God how sore was it? Did you feel anything? Did they put yuo to sleep? Tell me all about it please cause I need to go get mines out and I'm absolutely terrified. Actually am thinkin bout just leaving it but they are so damn painful

Get better soon!! Great to meet you at blue's by the way!
I have to have 2 of my wisdom teeth out soon too. Luckily i can get away with only haveing a local anesthetic. Supposed to be easier to recover that way. Hopefully!!
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Zootle can you come and hold my boobs :shock: I meant hand?

I'd be happy to hold whatever you like ;)
So long as it's a part of your body, of course :grin:
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Zootle can you come and hold my boobs :shock: I meant hand?

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<wishes she lived in Scotland rolleyes
Not when Im in pain you dont :sparring:
lol, genhertscpl I wish yuo were here too :twisted:
know you been really nervious for the last week or so about having them out
well no more worrying babe hope u not to sore
ps what does mr herts look like in ur nurses uniform
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
God how sore was it? Did you feel anything? Did they put yuo to sleep? Tell me all about it please cause I need to go get mines out and I'm absolutely terrified. Actually am thinkin bout just leaving it but they are so damn painful

Well ive been fretting over it but its not too bad, just the thought of it really is the worse thing. When they wheeled me into theatre, they had to redo my iv line, but then injected me with the general anaesthaetic, i was wide awake, then next thing i know, was someone saying hello, how u feeling, it was that fast!
Its not a nice thought, but needed doing. At the moment im not too sore, just swollen and cant eat, teeth feel a bit sensitive too, but all ok so far. smile
I had (I think) 3 of mine out when they first came through many years ago, at my last checkup my dentist referred me to a consultant to look at the one left, as it's at an angle and right against the tooth next to it... I remember it being a little trouble all those years ago but until I just read this thread, I wasn't nervous!
Not sure if they're going to recommend it comes out, I think the reason I'm being referred is cos it's hard to clean in between with the teeth in contact and there's a little plaque build up/maybe even corrosion.
Argh! (don't get me wrong - absolutely no pain or trouble from it at the moment, just don't like the thought of the work to remove it having read the above!).
Quote by leprechaun
ps what does mr herts look like in ur nurses uniform

mad his legs are longer and better than mine!!!
I'm just getting over an abcess under my wisdom tooth , i went to my dentist today and he said if i have anymore trouble i'll have to have the tooth out.
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
Not when Im in pain you dont :sparring:

Restraints can be oh so usefull smile
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
:shock: handcuffs? :twisted:

Handcuffs, ropes, whatever comes to hand that serves the purpose smile
I suppose a blow jobs out of the question tonight then !! wink
pmsl, ive already heard that joke, lol, but was told a handjob would suffice! rolleyes confused
Oh well, is it just me, but when im under the weather laid up in bed, i feel horny as hell :twisted:
Quote by GenHertsCpl
Oh well, its done now, thank god, been fretting about this for ages (thanks for those ppl before for the support on that thread) smile
PS. Thanks to Satin for leaving my bum with marks from being whipped on Sat, made me laugh when i went to put on the backless gown :shock:

Geez- when was that thread - it seema ages ago! Glad it's all over now.
Wish I'd been there to see the whiplashes!
Quote by lil_miz_naughty_0204
God how sore was it? Did you feel anything? Did they put yuo to sleep? Tell me all about it please cause I need to go get mines out and I'm absolutely terrified. Actually am thinkin bout just leaving it but they are so damn painful

That's daft. If they are painful you know you would be better off without them. Be brave & get to the dentist. :therethere:
I used to know a lad who couldn't stand dentists, & he refused to go for so long that he ended up in real pain................. & of course he had to go in the end, but for much more serious treatment than if he'd gone reguarly. rolleyes
Quote by GenHertsCpl
PS. Thanks to Satin for leaving my bum with marks from being whipped on Sat, made me laugh when i went to put on the backless gown :shock:

:P :P
Well Day 2...felt fine this morning so went out to get a few pressies whilst the kids were at school and hubby was around (cos i cant drive for 48 hours).
But tonight, im fed up with Cream of Mushroom soup, Cream of Chicken Soup, Cream of Chicken and mushroom soup, and scambled eggs :cry: Feeling tired, jaw and teeth achey, headachey today and now tonight i feel sick, i think cos ive not eaten much.
I need a hug! confused
Quote by GenHertsCpl
I need a hug! confused

passionkiss sillyassionkiss: :passionkiss:
Thanks hun, needed that today more than yesterday passionkiss