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Who has the right to threaten, imlpy, state, etc that they will take things further if they were to meet on a public forum.
I have seen this happen at a munch twice before and it was not a good sight to see at an event that was supposed to be fun. Now we do not put our names down for socials or munches where these people are going. Now it looks like we will have to start adding names from forum posts as well
:shock: Dave whoever said that i will smackbottom :kick: em!!! Violence is never the answer!
stick 'em one on the schnozz for me!
who=ever they are!
have to admit, things are getting a little out of hand around here at times these days.
though I know nothing of what you mention there Dave.
lp we now all know ...the site is full of wannabees!!! (is that spelt right?)
Oh well, as we say ....................
Lucys post.
I thought how peacefull and civil things were of late :confused:
Have I missed something dunno
My pm button is over there Dave <<<<<<<<<<<<
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
Yup Dave, people aren't who they seem, one of the reasons we probably won't be attending any more 'local' socials.
Sorry you've experienced some shite, seems there's a lot of it around.
Merry Christmas to you and Alex kiss
Quote by jaymar
some shite, seems there's a lot of it around.

has everyone been eating too much them...... rolleyes
Quote by markz
some shite, seems there's a lot of it around.

has everyone been eating too much them...... rolleyes
nope, but I smell plenty of it..... wink
Sorry if you have been having any problems.
I thought the forum was very sedate lately to be honest. wink
Saddened to read this - especially as Dave_Notts is the last person I can imagine anyone wanting to stick one on, but I guess it takes all sorts for the world to spin.
I have avoided munches in the quite recent past because there was someone I just did not want to meet face to face.
There are some here who obviously have a pathological hatred for some other member(s) here and let alone disguising it they take great pleasure in pouncing on them as soon as they see them. Not only that they are very abrasive with lots of other members. It is very unpleasant and spoils it for people who are after all coming here for some casual entertainment. Just because it is funny sometimes does not justify it.
In some ways I think that is part of the reason why the forum has been sedate (boring?) lately. Everybody is pussy footing around because they don't want any comment with an edge (but not necessarily intended with viciousness) to be taken the same as this sort of puerile behaviour.
I got trapped in an abusive argument sometime ago and swore that I wouldn't do that again and have been accused of being self righteous in the process. I don't come here for abuse and now very rarely get involved in any serious debate.
Happy Christmas everyone.
Quote by westerross
Saddened to read this - especially as Dave_Notts is the last person I can imagine anyone wanting to stick one on, but I guess it takes all sorts for the world to spin.
I have avoided munches in the quite recent past because there was someone I just did not want to meet face to face.
There are some here who obviously have a pathological hatred for some other member(s) here and let alone disguising it they take great pleasure in pouncing on them as soon as they see them. Not only that they are very abrasive with lots of other members. It is very unpleasant and spoils it for people who are after all coming here for some casual entertainment. Just because it is funny sometimes does not justify it.
In some ways I think that is part of the reason why the forum has been sedate (boring?) lately. Everybody is pussy footing around because they don't want any comment with an edge (but not necessarily intended with viciousness) to be taken the same as this sort of puerile behaviour.
I got trapped in an abusive argument sometime ago and swore that I wouldn't do that again and have been accused of being self righteous in the process. I don't come here for abuse and now very rarely get involved in any serious debate.
Happy Christmas everyone.

You can always rely on Tune to hit the nail on the head.
I agree 100% with what he said.
Well spoken Tune.

Dave and Tune so sorry to hear about your not so nice times here, nobody deserves that kind of abuse.
I only know you from your posts, and enjoy what you have to say.
I would say there are some here of little minds and no soul.
Please don’t let them sway you both from posting.
One of the reason I have never felt the need to get involved in socials or munchies as there would be people there I would enjoy meeting on a social level and there are others I feel I would not like to socialise with, I cant stand people that are two faced and I feel just by reading some posts here that is about, and I have never met the people. Just call it gut reaction. Hence why I have very few friends here but loads that I chat too and enjoy the banter with.
I have always felt I could not be part of a group that would isolate another on others formed opinions, that isn’t in my character so I keep well away from that aspect of the site and chat.
Quote by TabbynTina
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
why do you think i dont put so many on now ??????????? and i am a newbie .......old saying a still tongue makes a wise head , more true than ever on the forum .........most go to the groups at least you know when you have posted a group who is REALLY interested in you ? and not just to give crass comments ?
Quote by travlinmanukok
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
why do you think i dont put so many on now ??????????? and i am a newbie .......old saying a still tongue makes a wise head , more true than ever on the forum .........most go to the groups at least you know when you have posted a group who is REALLY interested in you ? and not just to give crass comments ?
A "still tongue" on a chat forum is about as much use as wearing a condom whilst having a wank. rolleyes
I know what you mean dave, I think i have seen the same things that you have..... and it has worried me....
I have to admit that I have thought twice about going to munches if I see "certain" people's names on it, but in the end I think it comes down the whether you allow those people to in effect dictate your life..... I think i am lucky to have only been at one munch with "an accident" and i saved someone without even realising what had happened.......
I know i will go to munches where I will say a civil hello to someone, and then avoid them all night... after all we are all there to have fun, I don't see why they should ruin mine...
I am also in agreement with jaymar, when it seems that the local events, sometimes it turns into "he said, she said" and it tends to alienate genuine people in the rooms...... the dangers of "cliques" eh!!!
I have various reasons as to why I don't tend to go to local events anymore.... I have been fairly upfront about them, do I think it had alienated me... sure!, it don't go in there nearly as much as i use to
I am just sick and tired of all the arguemnets..... me res for 09' is to bite my lip, I know people will say stuff to wind me up, there problem not mine......
Quote by Peanut
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
why do you think i dont put so many on now ??????????? and i am a newbie .......old saying a still tongue makes a wise head , more true than ever on the forum .........most go to the groups at least you know when you have posted a group who is REALLY interested in you ? and not just to give crass comments ?
A "still tongue" on a chat forum is about as much use as wearing a condom whilst having a wank. rolleyes
not really xx
a still tongue is watching waiting listening building up a rapore with GENUINE people who understand you and want to know you I personally have never had a wank with a condom on its usually with a female hand without a condom on .....end of ?
Quote by travlinmanukok
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
why do you think i dont put so many on now ??????????? and i am a newbie .......old saying a still tongue makes a wise head , more true than ever on the forum .........most go to the groups at least you know when you have posted a group who is REALLY interested in you ? and not just to give crass comments ?
A "still tongue" on a chat forum is about as much use as wearing a condom whilst having a wank. rolleyes
not really xx
a still tongue is watching waiting listening building up a rapore with GENUINE people who understand you and want to know you I personally have never had a wank with a condom on its usually with a female hand without a condom on .....end of ?
A still tongue on an internet chat forum is a death knell for that forum should everyone take that tack.
Forums are a venue for conversation, debate and the swapping of ideas and knowledge. They aren't there for people to hang back and not post anything. There's no point it being there if that's what people are going to do.
People should have more confidence in their opinions and thoughts. Okay not everyone will agree, and some will take the piss or go off at a tangent. If you really believe in what you are saying then fuck 'em and say it anyway.
Saying nothing is just that, nothing. No-one can see you sitting back shaking your head in concern/exasperation/disgust/hysterics (delete as appropriate) so there's no point in doing it. This here is a text medium. So put that head shake into terms that can be seen here.
Peanut wrote :- and I quote,
A still tongue on an internet chat forum is a death knell for that forum should everyone take that tack.
And a wagging and over active tongue, making inane comments, can also be the death knell of a "Friendly" and active forum.
I will say no more.
Quote by travlinmanukok
have to admit also that some things are getting a little out of hand on the forum these days, ive noticed a few good threads getting spoiled by people having a few spats.
I do understand that no everyone gets on and people do have a difference of opinion but some dont know when to just let things go,,,,this is not intended to anyone in particualar but most of us enjoy just reading along in the forums and not posting much
why do you think i dont put so many on now ??????????? and i am a newbie .......old saying a still tongue makes a wise head , more true than ever on the forum .........most go to the groups at least you know when you have posted a group who is REALLY interested in you ? and not just to give crass comments ?
A "still tongue" on a chat forum is about as much use as wearing a condom whilst having a wank. rolleyes
not really xx
a still tongue is watching waiting listening building up a rapore with GENUINE people who understand you and want to know you I personally have never had a wank with a condom on its usually with a female hand without a condom on .....end of ?
A still tounge I believe is someone that is not willing to learn, listen and question.
To not question someone’s opinion, to me isn’t a wise way of learning about people, and what there intent really is.
If what you are saying, is you would only talk to people that see things your way and agree with you surely that is a safe option.
I for one thrive on people that disagree with me, as I don’t see myself as knowing all the answers in what ever the discussion is, but I do have my own opinions and would state my own opinion. I learn at times when I see things in a different way. The ablilty to question and hear what others are saying is a way of me saying I have an open mind.
I feel to have an open mind is doing what I have said above, that is how I see it.
a still tongue can also be an observing mind !!
I have been on here almost 5 years now and people comae and go..and things change. the last year has seen the forums become more political and people more ready to cut up and at times rip into peoples posts. this does make people think twice about posting. Maybe we should put our own views and ideas forward, whilst accepting that others have differant views !!
these forums i do think are at there best when we have things like the Avatar challenge etc....but that is thread itself is over two years old now. So maybe lets all make an attempt to make these forums a little more like fun in 2009 !!
Quote by medic_1
I will say no more.

Somehow I doubt that. rolleyes
Quote by deancannock
a still tongue can also be an observing mind !!
I have been on here almost 5 years now and people comae and go..and things change. the last year has seen the forums become more political and people more ready to cut up and at times rip into peoples posts. this does make people think twice about posting. Maybe we should put our own views and ideas forward, whilst accepting that others have differant views !!
these forums i do think are at there best when we have things like the Avatar challenge etc....but that is thread itself is over two years old now. So maybe lets all make an attempt to make these forums a little more like fun in 2009 !!

Personally, I think if someone is put off posting because their comment will be disagreed with then their opinion isn't worth listening to. After all if they don't think it's important enough to post then why should we think it's important enough to care about missing it?
An opinion that isn't backed up by deep-felt belief isn't worth having as far as I'm concerned.
Quote by Peanut
I will say no more.

Somehow I doubt that. rolleyes
For once you are 100% correct.
buddha there is life out there ............brahma
get me a belly to rub xxxxxxxxx
Quote by Peanut
Personally, I think if someone is put off posting because their comment will be disagreed with then their opinion isn't worth listening to. After all if they don't think it's important enough to post then why should we think it's important enough to care about missing it?
An opinion that isn't backed up by deep-felt belief isn't worth having as far as I'm concerned.

Peanut I agree with most of what you have said earlier on this thread, but I disagree with all of the above post.
Quote by Peanut
Personally, I think if someone is put off posting because their comment will be disagreed with then their opinion isn't worth listening to. After all if they don't think it's important enough to post then why should we think it's important enough to care about missing it?
An opinion that isn't backed up by deep-felt belief isn't worth having as far as I'm concerned.

I disagree totally with that, Peanut.
I believe that people may not be put off cos they doubt the value of what they post. They may well be put off posting because they expect to be abused for voicing their opinion. People are being very effectively bullied out of posting on here by fear of unwarranted and hurtful reactions by other people.
People who I hope would think twice about voicing their sneering/hurtful/dismissive comments if they were face to face with their target.
An opinion may be supported by heartfelt beliefs, but the person holding that opinion can be abused into holding their tongue.