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Fisting have you tried it ?

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8 watchers
I can hardly manage a decent size cock redface without feeling like I've just had a hysterectomy, never mind a whole bloody hand! :shock: confused
Quote by little gem
Rachel, I have a sexual wish list of things to try and lets just say there are only a handful of things left to do. redface
I'm innocent and pure as the driven snow! I am a perfect example of........ erm........ naughtiness, drunken parties, clubbing and debauchery........ surprisedops:

im not even going to get into my list pmsl , and dont eat that yellow snow no no bad yellow snow bad bad in your box and i do like my mentor :therethere: <<< for your stress
Thanks Rachel! No yellow snow! Noted! passionkissToo much uni work to be a bad girl right now, if you ever feel like telling your list then you know where my pm box is! lol ;)
Libra-Love, I thought that cos I'm not very........ erm........ big down there redface but the person doing it was so gentle and used so much lube I had a really good time. A bowl full of blues vodka jelly and then you'd be fine with it I reckon! :lol:
I do agree that ther person's hand size does matter. If they have hands like shovels then you'll need a load more lube and more patience I suppose.
If memory serves me right, the guy had a few rings on his fingers which caused the internal damage, however in the morning, she didnt wake up. a very sorry tale.
oh wilki your signiture lmao reminds me of snatch ( i fackin ate pikeys ) pmsl lol
Quote by little gem
I thought that cos I'm not very........ erm........ big down there redface but the person doing it was so gentle and used so much lube I had a really good time. A bowl full of blues vodka jelly and then you'd be fine with it I reckon! lol
I do agree that ther person's hand size does matter. If they have hands like shovels then you'll need a load more lube and more patience I suppose.

I totally agree, first time I tried it was a drunken thing, but done right it's fantastic
even tried being on the giving end to another lady and that was mindblowing too!
vaginally not anally I must add
So, one night, after a Munch, the 3rd party, me & R are in a hotel room, where it transpires that I scream & writhe.
Some hours later, in the bar, said 3rd party asks if I was OK with the fisting.
Some more hours later, as me & he drive back down siuth, I say "So, I was getting a fisting?"
Quote by Wilki
Being serious, for a moment, a woman died from V fisting a few miles from me, a couple of years ago, the guy nearly went to prison for it.

Died from fisting? Did he use both hands or something? Strange, a womans vagina can pass a babies head through it, but not a fist. He must have been too vigorous then?
I've done it vaginaly with an ex a few years back.
You have to get them totally turned on and then start small, one finger then two and work your way up.
I cant remember how many times she came before I'd got all the way. I know it took forever for her to come down from that one!
She was so :thrilled: for ages after.
Quote by veejay
Being serious, for a moment, a woman died from V fisting a few miles from me, a couple of years ago, the guy nearly went to prison for it.

Died from fisting? Did he use both hands or something? Strange, a womans vagina can pass a babies head through it, but not a fist. He must have been too vigorous then?
A tear or rupture may not be imediatly noticable, also a womans body has hormonanly and physically changed in the months before the birth.
I'm not totally sure but I vaguly recall reading that the increase where the two hips join does not totaly decrease post birth, might not be related but hey tis a fact, lol.
I have quite small hands so unless someone is exceptionaly small, as apposed to tight, then its never been a problem... I do know a couple who swing where they played with a guy that was into being analy fisted, and lets say that the guy in the couple has large, ney HUGE, hands and the guy took it all... when told of this my reaction was to clench my buttocks and have >> :shock: << that expression on my face lol
The most important rules are that the person has to be in a high state of arousal; plenty of lube; smooth finger nails, and take your watch and rings off! As a sexual act it is no more dangerous than any other if you take it slow; the biggest problem is that extraction must be as slow as entry as post orgasum and lack of arousal can cause it to be more difficult.
there is not special art to it.
just don't go raming it home!!!.... take it slowly.. if done right, even women with a very tight pussy can have it done.. just down to patience and loosening the muscles
then again i have got small hands so that does help!!!!
Quote by Vix
So, one night, after a Munch, the 3rd party, me & R are in a hotel room, where it transpires that I scream & writhe.
Some hours later, in the bar, said 3rd party asks if I was OK with the fisting.
Some more hours later, as me & he drive back down siuth, I say "So, I was getting a fisting?"

That husband of yours spoils you sometime, Vix... wink
I must get glasses....when I first looked at the subject I thought it said "Fishing have you tried it ?"
I've heard of dogging and toothing...but thought WTF is Fishing?
Ho Hum
Ive never tried it and really dont like the thoughts of it personally :scared:
I have done it a couple of times with ladies. Patience, lube and listening to what they say (stop, go on, more, no more etc, not ohhh, Ohhhhhhh,OHHHHHHH! lol ) are all required but they do enjoy it and I enjoyed doing it.
And don't laugh when someone says you need to take your watch off - they mean it!!! :shock:
i have to admit that when blue fisted me i er really enjoyed it :shock: :shock: :twisted: :twisted:
i was really really horny before hand and didnt actually no i had been fisted until i was shown the photos redface rolleyes :shock: evil
I've done it a few times and as people have said, when really horny it seemed fantastic. Admittedly never had a returned tho! An ex of mine was quite keen on fisting herself up the arse, now that was a sight to behold surprised biggrin
Quote by doctorg
An ex of mine was quite keen on fisting herself up the arse, now that was a sight to behold surprised biggrin

I bet it was. :shock:
Quote by SunBunny
An ex of mine was quite keen on fisting herself up the arse, now that was a sight to behold surprised biggrin

I bet it was. :shock:
it used to make me wince, but liked it too wink
Quote by little gem
*sticks her hand in the air and volunteers to corrupt Rachel with Sambuca! ;)
I really did enjoy every minute of it. The person doing it used lots of lube and it started with finger fucking progessing onto more fingers and then a fist.
It was truely amazing and don't knock it till you have tried it. I'd recommend something to hold onto like the leg of a chair, someones hand etc....
Also get someone to take pics to look at afterwards as it really does bring back great memories and it is such a horny image too.
Ok, I say too much too. ....... bolt

I truly enjoy fisting a lady, watching the mass of emotions passing over their faces is amazing, feeling them orgasm massivly again and again is intense as hell
Quote by DeniseBabe
I can hardly manage a decent size cock redface without feeling like I've just had a hysterectomy, never mind a whole bloody hand! :shock: confused

More than the hand............... up to the fist/wrist... i think.. ouch sad
Idealy start with a well lubed hand, starting with fingering and slowly incrteasing the amount, I find that once the four fingers are inside I am also using my thumb against the base of the clitoris as well to produce powerful orgasms, and as the orgasm subsides and the lady relax's again I slide the thumb into my palm and allow the entire hand inside up to the wrist ( please ensure that you have removed ALL rings, even the smallest rind WILL CAUSE INJURY )
Quote by Jiggle
there is not special art to it.
just don't go raming it home!!!.... take it slowly.. if done right, even women with a very tight pussy can have it done.. just down to patience and loosening the muscles
then again i have got small hands so that does help!!!!

I dont have the smallest of hands, nor the largest, about average I would say. A woman in the throes of fisting orgasm can quite literally lose her mind to the orgasm and in some cases will black out momentarilly. I havefound that there is no type of person who can accept fisting, contrary to popular belief it is not only just the ladies who have had children who can take fisting, the youngesst and tightest person who has recieved fisting from me was 19 and had never had children, with her it took 30 mins of manipulation and a full tube of KY to obtain full penetration. She claimed to still be having orgasms the next day from simply allowing her panties to pull tautly against her vagina
The shape of your fist whilst inside plays a large part in the amount of pleasure generated, by altering the shaping of the fist and angle of thrust in conjunction with rotation of the fist whitch allows the knuckles to rotate aginst the highly pressure sensitive areas inside the vagina some unbelievable orgasms can be produced
I ve not read all this thread so if this has been said berofe i appologise.
Fisting can be good b and like someone else said lube is vital . Surgical type glocves put on prior to the lube cover rings and make insertion so much easier!! The female needs to be be relaxed if shes uptight about you wont manage it without hurting her. Ive had some tremendous orgasms from it!!
Not something I d want every time but can be fun with the right partner
I haven't read the entire thread, just wanted to say that from my POV as the giver rather than the receiver, there seems to be more danger of damage to me than to her. Obviously technique has a lot to do with it and I'm by no means expert, but with each lady that I've tried it, I swear I thought my thumb was going to dislocate, while she did not appear to be in any discomfort.
Quote by flapjackboy
So, one night, after a Munch, the 3rd party, me & R are in a hotel room, where it transpires that I scream & writhe.
Some hours later, in the bar, said 3rd party asks if I was OK with the fisting.
Some more hours later, as me & he drive back down siuth, I say "So, I was getting a fisting?"

That husband of yours spoils you sometime, Vix... wink
...awww, she's worth it, though. :love:
I do thoroughly enjoy fisting Vix; although, unlike our partner after the Munch, I can only work my way up to the knuckles rather than the wrist. Still, the orgasms are incredible, and I've wondered more than once whether she was going to break fingers or crush bones! :shock:
Quote by Libra-Love
I can hardly manage a decent size cock redface without feeling like I've just had a hysterectomy, never mind a whole bloody hand! :shock: confused

Bummer! Guess I won't be joining in with the post-Gobshite group on Saturday, especially with my predilection towards single-entry double- & triple-penetration. :cry: Now, what was it you were saying about "starfish"?! :grin:
~Reese! surprised
Sometimes you people scare the shit of of me, you really do :shock: :shock: :shock:
Quote by VenusnMars
Sometimes you people scare the shit of of me, you really do :shock: :shock: :shock:

Aww, Venus, you know we're all just harmless bunny-wunnys, don't you?! :confused2:
~Reese! surprised
Quote by VenusnMars
Sometimes you people scare the shit of of me, you really do :shock: :shock: :shock:
iam with venus here :shock:
Quote by VenusnMars
Sometimes you people scare the shit of of me, you really do :shock: :shock: :shock:

No need to be a afraid. I'm now committed to 'safe' fisting: From now on I'm wearing boxing gloves. smile
Venus in serious mode.
Now that is scary :shock: :shock:
Quote by Ice Pie
Sometimes you people scare the shit of of me, you really do :shock: :shock: :shock:

No need to be a afraid. I'm now committed to 'safe' fisting: From now on I'm wearing boxing gloves. smile
:shock: :shock: :shock:
Now I really need to find out where the hell I posted my other comment on fisting, cos it sure to hell isn`t here. This could be interesting :giggle:
Quote by Ice Pie
I haven't read the entire thread, just wanted to say that from my POV as the giver rather than the receiver, there seems to be more danger of damage to me than to her. Obviously technique has a lot to do with it and I'm by no means expert, but with each lady that I've tried it, I swear I thought my thumb was going to dislocate, while she did not appear to be in any discomfort.

my very 1st experience of fisting was way back in my late teens. It resulted in my shoulder being dislocated, the lady on the recieving end suffered no discomfort at all, so yes, the giver has to watch out as well