I have 2 of these, 1 male, 1 female. Both know about each other. Am I being greedy. I like to keep my options open!!!
Is this practice still acceptable? Many of my friends often say that its about time I settled down and got married. I'm guessing some of them are just jealous.
Just curious what other people think about this. I'm sure most of us have them, or have had them.
I've got 2 actually. One is a swinger and an FB in every sense of the word but the other is also my best mate so it might be unfair to label him as an FB as our 'relationship' runs a lot deeper than just a quick shag when one of us gets the horn.
I don't see the problem with FB's as long as you all get out of it what you want and everyone's happy with the situation. It's when feelings start to appear that it changes everything.
only 2?
no thats not greedy lol
I must admit I have 1 female FB and its quite a good arrangement. Niether have been getting sex from our partners on a regular basis and this helps. On the other hand should we be working towards a solution with our respective partners? We don't have 'lovey dovey' feelings for each other, more mates. But the sex is spot on!
sorry this is unrelated whats the dropkicks poster say, love that band.
Its not greedy - just have fun especially if they know about each other and don't mind. Its your life, do what you want with it as long as you don't hurt anyone. x
Oh well, as long I'm not being greedy. I'm happy with just 2. I get what I want from both of them, don't really need anymore!!!!
Oh dear, a member 2 days, and I've made someone unhappy!!
this is very similar to another thread where a married man has two fems on the go who know of each other but he wants more and wants a threesome with them....he got slated cos he is not satisfied and wants more than he has got and is in a relationship/marriage...ok yours is differerent and i havent really got an opinion but just a question would your two FB's be as happy if they were both of the same sex?
Your life - your body! You are all consenting adults, so if nobody is getting hurt and you are all aware of the situation what's the problem?
Everyone has different needs and views on life and marriage etc isn't for everyone.
Happiness should be fully embraced and enjoyed as along as it isn't to the detriment of anyone else.
also would red be judged in the same manor if she was male?
Hmm point taken HLB, how did he intend to go about "forcing them" and how did he not see ho wwrong that was??
I know freckle he seems far to friendly for that
I suppose it depends on the circumstances and level of involvement, as long as you wern't misleading any one into believing there was more to the relationship, or you were open about your openness, then that would be ok,
from a personal point of view I would only be dissapointed if there were lies involved as long as it was in the open and honest then I would be ok
I am in love with my FB and I think he is falling for me, too. Very scary.