This is flattering but kinda scarey too. So whoever you are please make yourself know.
I've just received a gorgeous bunch of flowers and 3 bottles of wine from someone who addressed it to me as Libra-Love. So I'm flatter but scared because...
1. Only you guys here know me by that name
2. The person who sent this doesn't seem to know my real name
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE pm me and make yourself known if this hasn't been done to wind me up. The message in the card was very sweet but I would be more appreciative if I knew who you are!
That is very sweet of them, and I`m sure they would be happy to let you know who they are after taking the above into consideration. I`ll expect you`ll hear something soon pet.
If you don`t, have a little word with your neighbours so that they can keep an eye out for you.
flowers and many guesses can i have.
Try interflora first !!!!
No - the arm does it for me - def. Nigh Fever Steph x
Is this where we should start playing the theme to "The Twilight Zone"
Jeeese I whish it was me.
I have been to busy to even think about lunch.
Oh well its the weekend, time for a rest.
Libra - Love,
you be careful, as I find it very worring that some one has your home address and you may not have given it to them.
I've made this thread a sticky - at least for over the weekend - until we get to the bottom of this worrying episode.
If anyone has any information on this then please let Libra-love know.
Thanks for that Jags.
At the moment I'm going with rationalisation that whom ever you are you mean me know harm.
So please contact me whether it be by pm, email or phone.
To My Generous Benifactor,
Thank you ever so much for your gifts. However, as much as I need what you've now sent me I'm uncertain as to whether I should keep it or return it.
Please just give me a clue.
Its a very flattering gesture from someone who likes you a great deal. Even so I would feel a little uneasy about it.
I think the person who made the gesture needs to make themselves known, even if its just to you Libra, just to let you know theres no malice intended.
Saying all that I think its correct to say its an admirer not anyone who intends any harm or to frighten you.
I have to agree with Mrs Bubbles. It's very flattering, but for a woman in Libra's position - it's very frightening too! Whoever you are, please reassure her by letting her know who you are. She deserves to know that much.
Don't think that's the answer Judy - if it were you getting anonymous stuff then I'm sure you'd have a just a hint of anxiety about it? At least Libra has.