Size 14 is NOT overweight. You really do have issues and no matter what anyone says it wont change your way of thinking.
And yes, I have issues too. Nothing anyone can say to me can make me feel any different about how I feel.
I have been different sizes at different stages in my life but predominantly, overweight all of my life. Its ok people saying do something about it if it makes you feel bad but its not that simple, I wish it was. People really need to keep insensitive comments to themselves.
Its not just down to 'food issues' its down to alot of things, mainly my health. My 'weight probs' are the bain of my life.
I really can empathise with anyone who feels like they have probs with food or their weight.
If you are really unhappy and feel you cant handle things then its time to seek professional help
Good luck
Oooh I'd LOVE to be a size 14! To me, that is 'the' perfect size.
However, I also know that if you have food / size / self image issues then no matter how many times people say we look fine, we don't FEEL fine. The resolution to that particular stumbling block lies in our own heads.
I'm on yet another diet (my very existance pivots around the famine / feast syndrome) so I guess the answer to your original question is yes, I also have food issues that stem back to when I was 16 and, at 9st, was made to feel fat and unattractive. From there, I've dieted my way up to where I am now.
I don't think I'd want people areound me telling if I'm 'eating something wrong' ... it would be a living hell to be surrounded by the diet cops.
If anything it'd undermine my confidence even more - like I can't even be trusted to make my own decisions on what goes into my mouth (ooo err missus!)
My diet is between me and my willpower - it's fek all to do with anyone else.
im a snacker and what/how much /how often depends alot on the time of month, ive given up on clothes sizes i buy what fits not because its size so and so, looking at lables tho i have some things at size 12 and somethings at size 20 and all the sizes in between.
Alot of it depends on the style and make, wasnt it said that a size 16 was the national average somewhere,
i agree with aunty cherry though alot of it a self confidence/esteem thing
although i would also say size 14 isnt overweight at the end of the day its how YOU feel not everyone else around you.
i am between 24/26 at the moment and now need to lose weight as i have been told i have the early stages of osteoarthritis. this wont be easy as i have gotten into really bad eating and drinking habits since i split with my husband 6 yrs ago.
this basically stemmed from my ex being weight obsessed, to the point of weighing himself 4 - 5 times a day, before and after exercise, same with before and after going to the toilet, if he put 2 lb on he would not eat til it came off. The knock on effect of this is he watched everything i ate, commented on what i was eating, how often i ate, how much if anything i drank.
i started eating in secret so i didnt have to put up with all the comments etc from him. i used to eat in the car and make my mam take the food wrappers home it was that bad.
my size at the moment is still part of a result of this, when he left he asked if i was scared i would never find anyone else cos i was so fat, but him leaving was like giving me free reign to eat and drink as i want, and boy i did, now its hard to stop, i know i drink too much, my diet is pretty ok i just eat at the wrong times or dont eat at all.
my self esteem was knocked so much by him i still sometimes find it hard that someone would want to shag me more because of i know how he felt about me and how he made me feel, he never took me out, i never met any of his 'golf club' friends and to me that was because he was ashamed.
so my food issues stem from this, but because i know where they come from, i can deal with them,
i would suggest try thinking back, you said you have always been conscious of your weight, but something has triggered that in you as you arent born weight conscious.
finding out what this is may help you.
oh and tell your friends to feck off you know they re trying to help but you are an adult,
Earthy xxx