OK guys ... an interesting topic of conversation was raised over the weekend at Tatty's BBQ while we were all chilling out in the garden ......
Which way do you dress: To the Left or to the Right
I'm left-handed so I tend to dress to the right...... of 4 left-handed men that were there 3 of us were the same .. dress to the right ........
What hand is your strongest and which way do you dress?
.......and Equi .... I know the title of this thread may have drawn you in Sparkle .... but it's not about horses.... hehehe
I'm left handed and dress left. But then I wank right handed, whatever that means.
Erm, I'm right handed, dress to the right (although, as discussed at the weekend I wear briefs, so they don't dangle too freely. Finally I don't wank, ever. Ok, maybe sometimes with my right hand.
I dress to the left, haven't ever tried to work out how or why but I always seem to fall that way
I dress to the right , always have but i'm abidextrous ( can write or wank with either hand lol ) so dunno if that means anything.
Only time I "hang loose" lol is when i've got the kilt on then its just left to swing in the breeze lol.
Davie :shock: :twisted:
Im right handed dress to left and wank with left (used to be right)....howz that work then??
Mr goodtimez
Being one of the ones that participated in this over the weekend i figure i should make it known .. dress to the left... but when commando it just sorta has a mind of its own...
:shock: usually ending straight up :shock:
What about women in horsey outfits??????????/ :P
What a wonderful thought!!!
i dress up? although it naturally goes left more often than not.
One day its to the left, next to the right.. Though it's more comfortable on the left