Mrs Tigs,
I found this site by accident and started logging on in an atempt to get laid now and then, as time went on I realised that this site is more than that, It is a very special community peopled by folk from all walks of life and all ages, who so far seem to have only one thing in common, they are all very caring and lovely people, the responses to your story show that.
It is an honour to be part of that community
Love and kisses
I just read this and im crying here its lovely...give your daughter my wishes...bless her she is so strong
Well done to the 2 men who joined ehr in her time of need its just so lovely
Best wishes to you over this period and i so hope her hair does grow back bless her
Just got in from work and hard a quick read and have ended up in tears.
All I can say is THANK YOU everone for all your kind and thoughtful comments.
I sometimes think if the whole world was like the SH Community there would never be war, just love and lots of it.
See with friends like the people on SH your never alone .
i found that out and a big kiss to all /
and hope everythings ok soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Has anyone got a wooly hat? It's fffffffffffffrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreezing! :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
Seriously though - It had to be done. I mean at the end of the day it's only hair, and it's not often you get the chance to make someone feel better by doing something so simple!
Now - who's got that wooly hat?
i have nothing to say that will make a difference, but id just like to say thinking of all concerned, and glad your daughter has some truly wonderful people around her, not evertone is so lucky to have friends like that
<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Check out the New Avatar :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
No one told me it was gonna be this cold though!