As some (and shortly most will) know, I stopped vanilla dating a while ago. I'm now of the opinion that I don't want to even just shag, in the vanilla world :shock:
A single swinger (Swingle - TM blue) asked me recently "What's the difference between a single swinger and someone that just sleeps around ? What makes me a swinger and not just a slapper ?"
While trying to explain the way "I" view it, in Uncle Dammie mode; I used the example of shagging a random barmaid/man down the pub rather than shagging a fellow Swingle, or indeed, one half of a couple; and, the thought process of the barman - compared to the thought process of someone from "the lifestyle" And the "after thoughts and opinions" following the event.
I hope I put their mind at rest, and that they'll long continue to a member of what we call "the lifestyle"
Anyway . . . .
It got me thinking about vanillas in general. Particularly from a couple's point of view, and how I would feel about inviting a single vanilla (male or female) to join HLB and me, or us getting it on with a "vanilla" couple - someone not registered on any of the sites or not part of and experienced in, the lifestyle. And I wondered if there was a consensus amongst you lot ????