Quote by Ice Pie
Is this an anti-fat-bird thread? I know it is hard for the skinny types out there, but you really need to get over it and be comfortable with what little you have got
I know it is hard when everyone knows fat birds shag better :rascal: and the sound of flesh slapping together is far more erotic than the knocking and clattering of bones :lol: but really - don't give up hope 'Skinnies' there is someone out there for you I am sure.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Nobody said anything offensive about fat birds. Why did you feel the need to be offensive to skinnies?
:shock: I was just trying to offer the under formed and under developed (skinnies) some moral support in their quest for sexual happiness (all be it a brief happiness coss as previously stated - they just aint got the right chemical balance to get it on all night :lol: )
:lol: :lol: :lol: