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fun on trains

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Well if I am on a quiet tube train next time I'm in london I'll give yer a flash Ice Pie, you'll recognise me easily enough biggrin :D
<-------------------------- lol
do tell us the name of this group so we may join
Daz is a train driver............. believe me, this isnt a NEW craze!! the amount of people he's seen engaging in some sort of sexual activity on trains grows every day!!!!
Quote by MQ
Well if I am on a quiet tube train next time I'm in london I'll give yer a flash Ice Pie, you'll recognise me easily enough biggrin :D
<-------------------------- lol

Lovely jubbly. I never forget a face. sillyhwoar:
i know of a colleage who has had many a fine ride in the cab of a certain type of loco with a certain female while driving train (non passenger) new meaning of entering her tunnel and express delivery
Quote by dazandlou
Daz is a train driver............. believe me, this isnt a NEW craze!! the amount of people he's seen engaging in some sort of sexual activity on trains grows every day!!!!

You must tell the routes he drives on. I want my driver to be looking forward, not trying to rearrange a stiffy while looking over his shoulder!!