there is a cock shot fully exposed on our thread , you may wish to take appropriate action
regards willing
Bloody hell! That's one of the biggest cocks I've ever seen! :shock:
Even dwarfs you, babe.
imagine gobbling on a cock that size....... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
i hear bernard matthews is on the prowl......
sean xxxxxxxx
I found it, so it'sss ourssss is that pressssiousss cock, so leave it.
It's mine mine mine mine mine mine mine.
It brings to mind....
Do you like chicken?
Well taste's fowl!!
SORRY!! Had to be done!
Sorry, but where are you supposed to get a condom for that???
Not safe, not playing...
Ive been told that Vegan condoms have no meat in them.....
PS if you boil a condom for a few minutes it will stretch big enough to go over the top of an old red telephone box, great fun if someones using the phone at the time!!