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GFZ - The Girlie Free Zone

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Quote by kitkat
It occurs to me, that us boys need a little corner where we can go and relax and be boys, have a boys chat, a good scratch, and do all that important boys stuff which gets frowned on in mixed company.
So here it is, a girlie free zone where we can relax and be boys.
Perhaps we could talk about the girls on the site, and say all those things we wouldn't dare say when they were looking, swap notes and things.
Go on then, who wants to be first up?? Not scared are you??
Club rules - Only one
Any message which is in the least way hurtful or deliberately insulting to any of the women in this forum will be removed immediately. I love them all dearly, and THIS IS JUST FOR FUN.
Official Opening Times
The GFZ will be open for business from around 1700 each Friday, until midnight on the following Sunday. Extensions will be frequent.

Links to previous GFZ weekends:
GFZ - Opening Weekend
GFZ - Graduation Weekend
GFZ - England win by 19 points
GFZ - DJohn: "OK Blue, do your worst!"
GFZ - Confessions of a Stag Night
GFZ - That Ralgex Moment
GFZ - 1320, Leather Kilts, and a VERY Shiny Red Helmet
GFZ - The Kate and Mel show
GFZ - Cartoon Fun
GFZ - Anything BUT Girlie Free rolleyes
GFZ - Sgt Bilko Captures the Record
GFZ - Will gets his 10 out, which turns out to be 7 really!
GFZ - Gretchen, Chocolate Sauce, and a VERY loaded Shotgun :eeek:
GFZ - Kate Calls Jag's bluff
GFZ - Sarge, Hughies and Ralphs
GFZ - Bedrock Bedlam
GFZ - Mr FC gives his missus one - and keeps one for himself
GFZ - Sarge Cleans Up
GFZ - Of Nipples, Munches and Two Men Mowing a Meadow
GFZ - Bluexxx hits 3000!
GFZ - The Red Mist Descends
GFZ - Manchester United 0 - Liverpool 1
GFZ - Kit Rules
GFZ - The Lost Boys GFZ.
GFZ - The shortest ever, only because the Lost boys got lost! :roll:
GFZ - Sarge Opens Up
GFZ – Easy gets locked in
GFZ - Masquerade Madness
It's like that moment when you wake up after an evening on PCP and steroids and you're covered in blood and the room is littered with the bodies of dead whores, and you have to clean it all up before your girlfriend gets home for lunch. We've all been there!
Sex God
Quote by GregLondon
It's like that moment when you wake up after an evening on PCP and steroids and you're covered in blood and the room is littered with the bodies of dead whores, and you have to clean it all up before your girlfriend gets home for lunch. We've all been there!

LOL, yeah. Like the movie Very Bad Things. I thought someone had done a losely based biopic.
Does that mean you are getting the beers in then ??? dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:
Sex God
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Does that mean you are getting the beers in then ??? dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Who? Me?
Wotcher 'avin'?
:shock: :shock: :shock:
erm . . . yes greg! i remember my last time well . . . . loon
<<< sidles along to the fridge, cautiously removes a Pinot Grigio, being careful to make no sudden movements, and backs away to the Jacuzzi wearing only a fixed smile and a wide eyed stare . . . . >>>
oooooooo no easy for once! woo hoo!((( tm Misschief 2004 ))) got it all to meself!
neil x x x ;)
Quote by Vix
Does that mean you are getting the beers in then ??? dunno :dunno: :dunno: :dunno: :dunno:

Who? Me?
Wotcher 'avin'?
Well it was aimed at Greg for being the first one in (I had to sit peeping round the corner for five minutes waiting!!), but seeing as your asking I'd love a lager please!!
It's about time we had a decent serving wench in here at last!!!!
Sorry mate, it's not my round.
*belches, scratches crotch, gazes longingly at football on Sky Sports*
Sex God
Quote by Sgt Bilko
size=7]It's about time we had a decent serving wench in here at last!!!!

OI! Who you calling that? Never have I been so insulted! Decent indeed!!!!
*mwah* lager it is, then. (being a landlords daughter has it's uses)
Well seing that I'm failing miserably to avoid the computer rolleyes I may as well help out in here. I see you have your lager Sarge, anyone else for a drink before I slip out of my wench outfit and into the jacuzzi?
I'm sure we could make an ode about you:
She was only the landlords daughter
Answers on a postcard !! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
mmmmm, this tastes great, and may I say what a fine head you've given me!! :shock: :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol: wink
Quote by Angel Chat
. I see you have your lager Sarge, anyone else for a drink before I slip out of my wench outfit and into the jacuzzi?

Thanks AC, I'm sure your head would have been every bit as good as Vix' wink lol :lol:
Quote by Sgt Bilko
Thanks AC, I'm sure your head would have been every bit as good as Vix' wink lol :lol:

Hehe, well my boobs are, so I'm sure my head could at least compete ;)
steve-shireen, are you in here yet???? :shock: :shock: :shock:
(See SH Clock thread!!) lol :lol:
I won!! Mines a lager!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :cheers:
Lager for The Sarge and a Boddingtons for me please
:cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
Only the one mind cause I aint havin that much I drinkies
Then I gotta bolt to work :cry:
Sex God
*easy wanders in, looses kit and seats himself next to AC*
Hello hun. How ya doin'? :mwah: kiss
And who's be interfering with my butt-groove in the GFZ jacuzzi (you know I could never spell that before I started visiting this site blink )?
*turns and scowels at Neil for interfering with his butt-groove*
Sex God
Oh and if anyone's at the bar I'll have a pint of anything Badgers
*know's he's leaving himself open for jokes, but doesn't care* biggrin
Afternoon Easy...
Grab yaself a chair and pull up a woman..
Do partake of a tasty beverage while your here...
BTW....Sarge drinks lager and mines Boddingtons please m8
lol :lol:
Quote by steve-shireen
Afternoon Easy...
Grab yaself a chair and pull up a woman..
Do partake of a tasty beverage while your here...
BTW....Sarge drinks lager and mines Boddingtons please m8
lol :lol:

I thought you were only having the one!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Don't go blaming me if you turn up at work pissed!! rolleyes :roll: :roll:
With such good company i felt it rude to have just the one then dash off
Talking of bar snacks... my local swinging club always puts out peanuts and nibbles, and then at about 1am they serve little spring rolls and samosas. But I find it hard to nibble on a samosa when 10 feet away from me a topless woman is sucking off a bloke.
Quote by GregLondon
Talking of bar snacks... my local swinging club always puts out peanuts and nibbles, and then at about 1am they serve little spring rolls and samosas. But I find it hard to nibble on a samosa when 10 feet away from me a topless woman is sucking off a bloke.

Another fascinating insight into Gregs World !!! :shock: :shock: :shock: lol :lol:
Sex God
Quote by steve-shireen
Grab yaself a chair and pull up a woman..

Last time I did that I was arrested and had a restraining order issued. :shock:
I'm never visiting the bloody WI again I'll tell ya. evil :evil: :evil:
well atcherly easy . . .
i think the entire world and his wife, and several hooligans from my local area, now know it was my butt groove that was outrageously violated! so if you don't bleedin' mind, i'm gonna soothe it here for a bit with Angel Chat! so shift yerself up there's a good chap!
and greg? here's a word of warning for you. a recent ((( ish ))) scientific study of the peanuts found on bars, revealed contamination with several dozen different varieties of male urine! just a thought mate! now where's these samosas? i'm starving?
oh and if someones buying mines a stella, obviously! cheers!
neil x x x ;)
Sex God
Right gentleman, what can I do for you worship
Dawn :silly:
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Right gentleman, what can I do for you worship
Dawn :silly:

From the looks of that avatar pic - anything you damn well please. lol :lol:
Sex God
Quote by Dawn_Mids
Right gentleman, what can I do for you worship
Dawn :silly:

Get yer horny self into this jacuzzi with the rest of us. rolleyes wink lol :lol:
Sex God
Ok make some space guys
<<<clothes flying>>>
I'm coming through :giggle:
<<<holds nose>>>
Ok I'm in lol
Dawn :silly: