Now then.....I was just saying you dont need adverts on, on another thread I have just posted on............and low and behold get a sort of lovely compliment off Sarge and my profile pages gets lots of new visitors on it!!!!
Thanks Sarge xx
I'm an ace cleaner by the way, but I dont empty ash trays!!
Reminder to self - don't tell Voddy that the key to the Chocolate Cupboard is pinned inside my Thomas the Tank Boxers!!
Oh Bugga!!!:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
But what? Who? How? Where?
I pop inside this manicured den of blokeyness, expecting to hear talk of gammit ridges, MG Spitfires and farting, and yet the entire place is populated by nubile young women and a chap clad in Thomas the Tank Engine underwear attire that verges of the very boundaries of decency...
How do you do it Sarge? Please don't say a bottle of night nurse and flagrant bribery as I've tried both and they don't work...
Note to self... Must buy some Thomas undies at the earliest available opportunity...