Girls shhhhh don’t make a sound :gagged: come on over to me corner! >>>Got something to ask of you come on stop Dorling quick now nearly there! >>>>>.. bloody hell where the bloody corners in this place! :doh:
O well here goes ........... does it happen to you? :roll: ................... I mean you no nudge nudge wink wink! Nooooooo not bonking !.. ..... oo what am I going to do with lot!. :roll:
.OK OK hold ya bloody horses getting around to it as tis abit you no ops:
Right here goes ...........shhh when I see a man :oops: errr you no Wank and cum on web cam ...... WHAT!!! YOU MEAN YOU CANNOT SEE IT.........WELL GET YA BLOODY GLASSES THEN WOMEN! HUH :roll:
Now where was I :doh: ...........oo yes ........for the next few days after..... the event !.. :roll: ...... I will be walking around washing up....... or you no ......working !!!!!(yes I no tis a horrid word )and all of a sudden it happens!......... as Quick as lightning ..... a flash back of the event!......... Then comes that lovely tingerling and the shiver followed by YEP you have guessed it! The sound of oooowwwwww coming from your mouth before you realise..It ......... your Captured in a world of passion
OOo tis so nice mmmmmmmmm :bounce: ..... but its getting a little bit embarrassing :oops: as it happened in Tescos yesterday with out warning! :oops: :oops:
Now girls does this happen to you?
Debs locks the gates......... so the men keep out!
Now we don’t want them getting all big headed now do we ?
Sarge don’t you dare ya bugger ....... you not having that bloody key and that’s that!
And any one says it me hot flushes i will