when you donate blood thet test for hiv, syphilis, hepatitis b and c. as far as prescription drugs you have taken depends what they are. not much good giving someone a unit of blood that contains a blood thinning drug if there bleeding. thats why you cannot take asprin before you donate blood.
Maureen has never given blood - fainted once when a doctor took a blood sample so frightened. Tom has always given blood regularly since the age of 18. Most servicemen are well aware that they might be recipients so, in my experience, most servicement are donors.
I can't give blood because of my low blood pressure and now because of the recent cancer treatment. Whenever I have blood taken it's taken from my lower leg, as it's the only place they can find a vein!
I've given blood a few times, and intend to carry on. Unless i get involved in any activity that rules me out. No matter how many times i go, i always feel a bit nervous of that needle going in. Especially so when a nurse comes over and says 'I'm in training, mind if i have a go on you'. B Rheus + and on the bone marrow register - though i'd be sh*tting myself if i actually got a call for bone marrow! (they either open you up, or pump you up with drugs to generate more marrow - neither is an attractive option eh!)
I used to give blood. But am now unable, I have something metal in my body and Have also had a transfusion. But I do think you have to be totaly honest with them. i hope to god my donor was honest with them.
From what I remember (I don't give anymore) women can give if they had sex with a man who had sex with a man if it was more than a year ago. Men who have had sex with a man can never give. Then again it been a long time...
Me I don't give as it makes me feel really ill. Nothing to do with needles n stuff, nor blood, just my bodies reaction to the fluid loss. Weird really, given my size it should have no real impact, but it does. So not been for a while.
Having said that the process is pretty painless, we talking a small sting, not pain anyway. So anyone nervous should give it a shot if they meet the criteria. Think the blood service could have more luck if they were not as rude to those giving, and tried being open at hours when those of us who work could get there... Again that only based on my experience, I am sure there are a lot of good units out there, but the 5 times I gave were not pleasant re attitude of staff.