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Give blood?

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Hands up who gives blood? And if so who has had sexual relations with a male who has had protected or unprotected sex (incl oral) with a man that has been with another man?
I'd love to give blood - signed up for it but keep getting piercings or tattoos so can't
I'm also on the Bone Marrow register
They won't ave my blood. It's bad. Baaaad I tells ya.
I think they can screen for STDs mate, and as long as you are honest in the 'interview' bit, therre is no judgement made on anything you have done. I had had unprotected sex (once or twice ;)) with men and men who had done men, etc., back when I first went to give blood and they ask all those questions. They say that they can deal with that kinda thing. Also can deal with drugs, prescription and street... what they can't deal with is illness that is incurable and untreatable.
HIV/AIDS can be detected and then not used, drugs can be 'cleaned' out of the samples themselves.
I've been to give blood twice in the past and couldn't cos I was honest with the question about ever having sex with a man who's had sex with a man. I haven't bothered since. confused
I've given blood before now - makes you feel all charitable.
..... And of course you get a free AIDS check without looking like thats what you're doing
(although i've only ever had unprotected sex with my current partner, and thats cos he was irresistable!)
Allthough the blood is screened - they do ask you some questions. I could not give previously because of Malaria and more recently just because I'd been in a high risk Malarial area - Said they didn't want my blood
Prior to that I gave every 4 months - I've even got my silver badge lol
For years I was scared of going to the blood bank - despite the old spinners (is that what they were called) sailing down the river mersey giving blood. Then earlier this year, plucked up the courage and wasn't allowed to as I had been to a high risk area in the previous 6 months.
Two nights of very little sleep all for nothing !!
I tried to give blood once. They tried one arm, then tried the other arm and couldn't find a vein, so eventually they gave up. Within two days I had a huge bruise from elbow to wrist down both arms and my doctor said that I shouldn't bother to try again! sad Which is a shame, because I'd really like to!
if you've had sex with a man who's had sex with another man then you should NOT give blood,sure blood is screened for it can be in the blood in early stages and not be detected,so even tho you want to do a good deed you could change someones life be honest with the questionnaire,if you can't give blood then you can't.
Quote by Elissamay
..... And of course you get a free AIDS check without looking like thats what you're doing
(although i've only ever had unprotected sex with my current partner, and thats cos he was irresistable!)

No, actually, you don't mad
HIV tests are (usually - there are circumstances where this varies) taken twice, with a three month interval, since infection in the three months prior to the first test may not have produced a sufficient viral load to be detected.
Just answer the questions honestly. If they don't want you, they don't want you, the purpose of the process is to benefit other people, not risk exposing them to HIV (still relatively unlikely) or Hepatitis (alarmingly common).
^Edit - like what daffodil said smile
not a hijack attempt here but jon is that avatar pic of you,cos that sure is a come to bed,beautiful eye (two would be better lol )
Quote by JandPUK
I tried to give blood once. They tried one arm, then tried the other arm and couldn't find a vein, so eventually they gave up. Within two days I had a huge bruise from elbow to wrist down both arms and my doctor said that I shouldn't bother to try again! sad Which is a shame, because I'd really like to!

I know exactly how u feel, I'm terrible to get blood from. Last time my doctor asked for a sample it took 6 attempts. they tried both arms, both hands and both wrists.
I draw the line at them talking blood from my groin so was pleased when they did finally manage to get some. My veins tend to collapse.
Unfortunately the doctor pierced both sides of the vein and caused a huge haematoma which took a week to go and left me bruised like hell.
I tried to but i cant.... I have Anemia sad Have had for years... Oh and had a blood transfusion too :( Never mind one day soon i hope lol
I've been a blood donor for more than 7 years but only donated 6 times 'cos of piercings, pregnancy or just not being arsed to get to the donor session redface
Even if you answer the questions honestly, you don't know for sure if your sexual partners have been honest with you.
I think the National Blood Bank had a slogan a few years ago 'You never know when you might need it' . I used to see the adverts and think it would never happen to me . Well , so far it hasn't , but 5 years ago my 7 year old was diagnosed with leukeamia (a l l) . During the 3-and-a-half years of treatment , he had 5 blood transfusions , numerous 'top up' pints and countless platlet tranfusions. I used to sit at the hospital thinking 'What if they ran out of blood' .
My concience was 'pricked' , although terrified of needles ( I look away ) , you only feel a little prick (so whats new !!) wink and ever since then : i've donated regulary .
My lads been off all treatment for two years now and will get the all clear in another 3 , without those donations he wouldn't have made it .
We all enjoy the banter of this board and as regular users of the Cafe proabley know one of the regulars kids is about to go though the same protocol . Wouldn't it be a massive show of support if those who are able to go went and gave blood in there area , you never know when YOU might need it.
Quote by stupot
During the 3-and-a-half years of treatment , he had 5 blood transfusions , numerous 'top up' pints and countless platlet tranfusions. I used to sit at the hospital thinking 'What if they ran out of blood' .

They have ways round this ... bloodless surgery is very good and although I'll never say it's appropriate in all cases, it is a real alternative.
Quote by daffodilbbw
not a hijack attempt here but jon is that avatar pic of you,cos that sure is a come to bed,beautiful eye (two would be better lol )

Sure is smile Thank you redface
Quote by mojobiker
Hands up who gives blood? And if so who has had sexual relations with a male who has had protected or unprotected sex (incl oral) with a man that has been with another man?

I give blood, but since the last time I gave blood...I HAVE had sex with a man who's had protected oral sex with a man........ ohhhhh dear, am I going to face questions next week? :shock:
The questions they'll ask are . You can try the questionaire online smile
We both give blood.......
Trev has done for years.... I have only just started due to pregnancy...
Will continue to do so as long as possible
Helen & Trev
I used to give blood regularly and then went onto donating plasma ... used to go every 4-5 weeks because of my blood group - 'A' Rhesus Negative (only 16% of the population have Rh Neg blood)
I had to give up because of high blood pressure a few years ago confused
Lucy kiss
(managed to give the equivalent of 70 pints of blood tho biggrin)
Quote by lucyslovely
I used to give blood regularly and then went onto donating plasma ... used to go every 4-5 weeks because of my blood group - 'A' Rhesus Negative (only 16% of the population have Rh Neg blood)
I had to give up because of high blood pressure a few years ago confused
Lucy kiss
(managed to give the equivalent of 70 pints of blood tho biggrin)

Can you tell me about that? What do they do, what's involved?
Same questions to anyone who has donated bone marrow. I thought about it but I hear its really painful and that's not my thing at all redface
Interesting to find someone else who physically can't give blood as they can't get it out. I remember having a cholesterol test a few years ago (no I'm not fat - it was one of those government target thingies) and the doctor tried for ages to get a sample. He had to give up in the end and told me there was no way I could ever donate as they would have to hack into me to get anything! Apparently some people have a very strong reflex that tries to shut down circulation in such cases. Wish I could have done but I could hardly move my arms for days after that so took his advice and never went.
I gave blood over 50 times in my 20's but the day the nurse folded up a used blooded swab then stuck it over my arm i went mad at her and the doctors and have never been again.
I used to give blood regularly but then started fertilty treatment and now I have High blood Pressure, given the chance I would happily do it again.
I am on the bone marrow register and also carry an organ donation card.
Plus of course I am a volunteer with the British Red Cross so I feel that I do my fair share of charitable stuff!!!!!
I would advise anyone to go ahead and do it if they can
My blood type is A Rhesus Negative, which is quite rare, so i should give blood, but im to much of a baby to do it, im not good with needles, would love to do it though rolleyes
I'm O rhesus Neg, so my stuff is quite useful. I gave blood once years ago & felt guilty ever since because I never bothered, so now being unemployed, I thought "get off your arse" & I give blood regularly now. And will continue to do so. biggrin :D
Quote by HungryP
I'm O rhesus Neg, so my stuff is quite useful. I gave blood once years ago & felt guilty ever since because I never bothered, so now being unemployed, I thought "get off your arse" & I give blood regularly now. And will continue to do so. biggrin :D

Fair play to you, wish i had the courage
I used to give blood but I got a tatoo so I haven't been back since