Find out where you are going, take the test.
I’m off to the fifth level apparently, extreme, ooh er!
Eigth Level of Hell - the Malebolge
And here's me thinking I was a nice guy ;-)
I`m off to the 7th level :shock:
In my defence tho I was answering the questions whilst in a bad mood!!.
I'm off to level 7 :shock:
im going to 7th as well :twisted: :twisted: xj
I'm off to the 6th level
That puts razor, Lyns & Firelizard in front of me and winchwench behind me ... wohooo :bounce: :twisted:
7th level??
how can that be? We are well mannered and house trained - in fact we reckon we're angels - not devils!!
some one has got this calculating lark all wrong
Level 7 for me as well....oh well looks like there's going to be a few of us there :lol2:
Level 8 for me
whats wrong with masturbation?
am only ging to the 6th level :smug: am not too norty ..... must try harder :twisted: