I dropped my son off at school in my pj's yesterday simply because i'm on a week's holiday didn't feel like getting dressed. If he didn't like it he could walk lol. xxx
haven't seen it here in cambridge
as for me..I'd get arrested..lol
we recently spent a friday night in glamorous glitzy sparkly Denver, Colorado.. we took a drive into the town to see where 'it' was going on.. well after about 2 hours of driving round the most modern ghost town we had come across on our vacation we spotted someone..yeah you guessed it a girl in her pj's walking her dog through the centre of Denver.. not that anyine else was around to see her.
Not just a British phenomenon .
yep it happens here in swansea as well, normaly tho the people who wear their pj's out to the shops are of the lowest of low types,tarts
I don't even go to bed in pyjamas!
no woman in Italy, unless senile or mentally challenged, would be caught dead in her pj's..