To help me to sleep I use the aid of a cold air fan (a nice big one on a stand) right next to my bed. i turn my face into the fan on maximum setting or in other words "blowing like bloody hell
And in minutes i'm asleep.
All good you may think but no! in the morning i wake up fan still blowing in my face but my eyes have dried up and they are quiet painful at times to open usually ok after a coupke of minutes. This has got to be bad though - hasnt it?
You will go blind ……………….. :shock:
No, its not funny, you really will. The drying of the eye is seriously NOT recommended.
The reason that the BIG fan sends you to sleep has nothing what-so-ever (*or very little) to do with air flow. It is almost certainly the rhythmic sound of the electric motor that is sending you off, so ffs turn the fan away from your face and just listen to the rythem lol.
Seriously though, don’t even go near f*****g with your eyes, its not a good idea ………………………..
Fantastic - and thankyou. The idea of using a timer never occired to me. I enjoy the sensation i get from the fan. I think Pete just put down what I possibly could guess at, though in an an extreme form. The timer things got to be the answer. Will have one by lunchtime.
Sorry... just so I understand this: you aren't hot, but to make you go to sleep you put a big fan on your face at full blast?
The noise those things make would keep me awake.
To help me sleep I turn on a 40 minute sound file of rain and thunder... not to loud... but the constant pitter patter sends me right off!
(not recommended for old people who are losing control of their bladders)