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good friends

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how many of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no names but this seen can not be all soulless
Quote by leprechaun
how may of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no name s but this seen can not be all soulless

I have .... made myself known on here chatted with a few people and met them at the NW munch ... had a family crisis and had so many people send us good wishes and offer support.
A few people have really made us feel "loved" ...
great to here there r some real quality here
"the road to a friends house is never long"
We have made some beautiful friendships, just heartbreaking they are so far away. :rose:
absolutely lep
some of what i'd call my closest friends, came from this site. it ain't the swinging keeps me here at all, it's the friendships i've made. there are just so many damn good people on here. and soulless? not in my experience. deep as hell.
but the swinging ain't so bad either! ;)
neil x x x ;)
I wouldn't spend so long on this forum if I didn't think I was talking to friends lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
yep have met some peeps at a party!...that i got invited to from here!........and have to say that they have become great freinds!.............................and allso like what Neilinleeds says.........great Friends in here! :bounce:
to gen herts feck price of petrol is worth it i think any way
niel boy u talk the truth my son and have had thr pleasure of meeting u nice guy u r
blue well what can i say u and satin r some of the coolest ppl i have met won't be the last time
ps neil and blue i'm bring gen herts cpl with me to satins party
I can agree with all of you
Ive met and made some very good friends on this site
friendship is something precious and I keep that close to my heart
Quote by leprechaun
how many of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no names but this seen can not be all soulless

It sounds as though for you friendship came later as a bonus and you were pleasantly surprised by it. Good for you, I'm pleased for you. For me friendship comes first, and anything that happens with my friends after that is the bonus. Personally, if I thought someone was soulless I wouldn't want them as a friend, and if I didn't want them as a friend I wouldn't dream of playing with them. Fortunately, I don't know any soulless people on SH, and I can count several people I've met through the site as true friends, and that won't change regardless of any actual swinging activity. Diff'rent strokes. smile
i haven't been around here long enough to make any friends as yet but i can honestly say i'd go for a beer with any of ppl are funny as's been a while since i spent so long on my puter...even fell asleep at the k/b whilst in the chatroom last night..can't wait for a local munch to come around so i can meet some of ya...ya kill me ya really do
anything but we had chatted via another site for probably 12mths had met socail before anything happened friendship was and is the lynch pin
as for the soulless theyb don't stay round long names that are regular on here get noticed and have had the pleasure of meeting a number member of whom i can only say they the dogs bollox
what they say of me is an other thing lol
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??
Quote by westerross
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??

I can only speak for myself, but after chatting in the forums and PMs and messengers etc, and on the phone and in one case via webcam, I have come to feel that I know several people well enough to know that we'll get along and call them friends, and subsequently meeting them in real life I have yet to be disappointed. In some cases I would say yes, we were friends before we actually met.
Tune E - I do believe I am in the initial stages of forming some real friendships on here,early days yet but I'm having a great time and I think the vast majority on here are decent,sincere people,the warmth and humour are genuine and it is friendLY,so,to me,friends it is - and its clear if I meet some of you down the line that there's every hope we'll get on as well there as we do here.
Quote by westerross
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??

tune mate!
i've not had the pleasure of meeting you in the flesh, so to speak. we may never actually meet, but i hope i can still call you my friend! that's the beauty of this place, and it's why i stay here!
neil x x x ;)
We have made some really good friends on here and we thik that we are so very fortunate to have met so many lovely peeps biggrin
When we went to the NW munch,it was like being in a big room full of old friends,brilliant cool
Quote by westerross
it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??

Gotta disagree there. The beauty of meeting and getting to know peeps on the 'net is that the usual barriers are down. You may not know your new friends gender, physical attributes, etc. but you 'meet up' and chat.
Before you know it, you've both left your spouses, one of you has moved to a new continent and oooooh... then you meet IRL.
I have gained a beautifull friend from Swinging Heaven.
Friendship comes from the heart and not the genitals.
If sex was to happen between us I feel It would be a friendship lost.
You are all a great bunch of friends and who could ask for more.
My thoughts , short and hopefully, sweet
Fred(medic1) the other one
Doesn't this thread just warm the cockles of your heart? How uplifting to read on a rainy Monday morning.
wink I think its wonderful that people do make friends on this site, i've spoken to some people since joining last week and reckon frienship, not just the other :twisted: could well and truely be on the cards. x Thanks SH
well i hate everyone and everyone hates me.. and thats how i luv it!
Oh how I hate you WBB!!! lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope I've made you happy! wink :wink: :wink:
WBB xxxx
I will always love you hun :love:
Fred(Medic1) the other one
in case no one can tell.. i am in a bad mood!
my ebay purchase never arrived! mad :x :x
anyway.... putting on my other head...i have made many more friends than lovers on here.. and thats how i like it.
you can find good shagging partners anywhere.. mates are more difficult to come by.
See that the good thing about the cafe, we can bitch about ebay! I waited 2 months for one bloody item evil
Aw...... maybe it will come tomorrow smile
Quote by well_busty_babe
well i hate everyone and everyone hates me.. and thats how i luv it!

Quote by Redbird
Doesn't this thread just warm the cockles of your heart? How uplifting to read on a rainy Monday morning.

Absolutely spot on! It’s about time it was publicly recognised just how special this place is. There have been times when the whingers have made it an awful place.
Quote by neilinleeds
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??

tune mate!
i've not had the pleasure of meeting you in the flesh, so to speak. we may never actually meet, but i hope i can still call you my friend! that's the beauty of this place, and it's why i stay here!
neil x x x ;)
Neil – I totally agree with you! Real friendships can develop quickly on here – because we talk to each other and do so honestly. We have no preconceptions based on physical appearance or age. I too consider TE to be a good friend and I hope that he considers me in that way too. And, regardless of your circumstances TE, if I am ever down you neck of the woods – I hope we could share a pint as friends!!!
Quote by Flirty Fruitcake
Tune E - I do believe I am in the initial stages of forming some real friendships on here,early days yet but I'm having a great time and I think the vast majority on here are decent,sincere people,the warmth and humour are genuine and it is friendly,so,to me,friends it is - and its clear if I meet some of you down the line that there's every hope we'll get on as well there as we do here.

Hiya Keith – well I consider us to have a friendship – you are a lovely person. It is true what you say about the people on here - they are truly great friendly human beings and swingers (well not all are swingers) second.
From the ‘WhippetWoman’
Quote by Ice Pie
I can only speak for myself, but after chatting in the forums and PMs and messengers etc, and on the phone and in one case via webcam, I have come to feel that I know several people well enough to know that we'll get along and call them friends, and subsequently meeting them in real life I have yet to be disappointed. In some cases I would say yes, we were friends before we actually met.

Absolutely agree with you there
well my good friend has been a million dollars for me to day
a big 69position soz ment :rose:
you are worth more to me than u will ever believe
Hi Pinkbubble ... been a bit occupied lately so I've missed welcoming you (or if I have I can't remember redface )
Again I'd say the friendships made on here are worth a lifetimes weight in gold and then some. Friendship first, and if we can share a bit of saucy fun then so much the better.
Hope to get to know you better biggrin
Calista xx
Quote by leprechaun
well my good friend has been a million dollars for me to day
a big 69position soz ment :rose:
you are worth more to me than u will ever believe

redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops: :oops: