how many of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no names but this seen can not be all soulless
Quote by leprechaun
how may of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no name s but this seen can not be all soulless
Quote by leprechaun
how many of u lovely people have met with other fellow swingers only to find out down the line that u have become close friends
well i have and lucky me so come no names but this seen can not be all soulless
Quote by westerross
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??
Quote by westerross
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??
Quote by westerross
it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??
Quote by well_busty_babe
well i hate everyone and everyone hates me.. and thats how i luv it!
Quote by Redbird
Doesn't this thread just warm the cockles of your heart? How uplifting to read on a rainy Monday morning.
Quote by neilinleeds
This thread saddens me a tad. I have got to know quite a few really lovely people on here but as yet I haven't met any. What saddens me is that I may never get to meet any of them. Anyway the point I think I'm making (which has been made many times before in various guises) is that it is not until you've met someone can you really say they are a friend - or am I wrong??
Quote by Flirty Fruitcake
Tune E - I do believe I am in the initial stages of forming some real friendships on here,early days yet but I'm having a great time and I think the vast majority on here are decent,sincere people,the warmth and humour are genuine and it is friendly,so,to me,friends it is - and its clear if I meet some of you down the line that there's every hope we'll get on as well there as we do here.
Quote by Ice Pie
I can only speak for myself, but after chatting in the forums and PMs and messengers etc, and on the phone and in one case via webcam, I have come to feel that I know several people well enough to know that we'll get along and call them friends, and subsequently meeting them in real life I have yet to be disappointed. In some cases I would say yes, we were friends before we actually met.