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Good Sex But Real Ugly

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Quote by roger743

ps.. roger.... i have a new pic of my bum in a pair of nickers that match ur undies...... redface
need your honest opinion on them.. as tonguey takes the piss out of them, says they are really sexy-NOT mad
need to know if they fit to wear or fit for bin! lol

Sure, you can hit me with your undies pics anytime you want. lol :lol: :rascal:
you REALLY might regret this..... i DID say they matched your undies!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

now before you comment.. remember.... beauty is skin deep and all that.... as they have been saying! pmsl
Quote by well_busty_babe
you REALLY might regret this..... i DID say they matched your undies!!
now before you comment.. remember.... beauty is skin deep and all that

Now don't be so hasty wBB - they look pretty good to me. smile Something about them makes me think of a gym; could imagine you girls working up a sweat in pants like that... sweaty pants clinging to your curves... :lickface:
Excuse me I have to go relieve myself :wanker:
Quote by roger743

you REALLY might regret this..... i DID say they matched your undies!!
now before you comment.. remember.... beauty is skin deep and all that

Now don't be so hasty wBB - they look pretty good to me. smile Something about them makes me think of a gym; could imagine you girls working up a sweat in pants like that... sweaty pants clinging to your curves... :lickface:
Excuse me I have to go relieve myself :wanker:
well he is away till fri afternoon.. but when he comes back.. i reckon you should pm him telling him so! lol
Orgasminator again!
Just wanted to say thank you for the support.... I know I kind of interrupted the thread there...... but it got me really angry!
Thank you again..... you are all so lovely!

Sex God
Quote by well_busty_babe
think you might find i am ACTUALLY magnenta! :P

Hi Magenta. wave
I thought you were great in the Rocky Horror Show.
Shoulda won an award. lol
Quote by Ice Pie
think you might find i am ACTUALLY magnenta! :P

Hi Magenta. wave
I thought you were great in the Rocky Horror Show.
Shoulda won an award. lol
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I have to be attracted to someone before I indulge in anything sexual with them ~ however the attraction doesn't always have to be purely physical. As long as the chemistry is good then there is fun to be had.
Anyway perfection bores me
Warming the Bed
Quote by Lovecommando
Does anyone else think that Surfdude365 may be related to Punky by any chance. It would appear that they both exhibit some kind of empathy bypass.

Ok peeps here it is Punkys take on this delightful topic.
I would agree 100% with surfdude on this and not because i wanna get you all itching ya knickers again, but from my own experience of this topic (yes at 20 you can have experience) despite what some of you think!!
I started seeing this guy at 17 and trust me he was a MINGER!!! I only went out with him on the rebound, and i knew i had dropped my standards by a few 109098347%, but ... the sex was mindblowing. Ok at 17 all i had experienced before hand was a year and a half of jouvenile shitfrom the one boy!! But it was the first time i'd experienced an orgasm and when my friends asked y i was with such a minger my response was the same.
After a while my rose tinted glasses began to wear of and i couldn't stand the sight of him. So i dumped him. Left him heart broken, went off with his model looking mate. Tall blonde very stunning, but alass the sex just didn't match up to the look, and so off i'd sneak back to get the great sex from the minger.
This carried on for almost four years, he had the same minging girlfriend he got when we split, i went through a number of better looking relationships, but at least twice a week i'd sneak round to his for a mind blowing time.
It is very hard to say goodbye to great sex but since meeting my partner now i am 100% faithfull but trust me sometimes the minger creeps back in my fantasies!!
So in answer yes i think ugly people can be diamonds in bed but now i wouldn't go t bed with someone i didn't look twice at. Shallow maybe? standards a must!!
Go on people do your worst !!!

You and we all make our beds and we must lie in those beds.
You were well aware of what you and the "minger" were upto
you were well aware of any consequences
Punky, as far as I am concerned there is no worst to do
good honest post
and as far as I am concerned there is no harm in fantasies
Warming the Bed
Quote by Punky
Does anyone else think that Surfdude365 may be related to Punky by any chance. It would appear that they both exhibit some kind of empathy bypass.

Ok peeps here it is Punkys take on this delightful topic.
I would agree 100% with surfdude on this and not because i wanna get you all itching ya knickers again, but from my own experience of this topic (yes at 20 you can have experience) despite what some of you think!!
I started seeing this guy at 17 and trust me he was a MINGER!!! I only went out with him on the rebound, and i knew i had dropped my standards by a few 109098347%, but ... the sex was mindblowing. Ok at 17 all i had experienced before hand was a year and a half of jouvenile shitfrom the one boy!! But it was the first time i'd experienced an orgasm and when my friends asked y i was with such a minger my response was the same.
After a while my rose tinted glasses began to wear of and i couldn't stand the sight of him. So i dumped him. Left him heart broken, went off with his model looking mate. Tall blonde very stunning, but alass the sex just didn't match up to the look, and so off i'd sneak back to get the great sex from the minger.
This carried on for almost four years, he had the same minging girlfriend he got when we split, i went through a number of better looking relationships, but at least twice a week i'd sneak round to his for a mind blowing time.
It is very hard to say goodbye to great sex but since meeting my partner now i am 100% faithfull but trust me sometimes the minger creeps back in my fantasies!!
So in answer yes i think ugly people can be diamonds in bed but now i wouldn't go t bed with someone i didn't look twice at. Shallow maybe? standards a must!!
Go on people do your worst !!!

At last the truth comes out lol I knew it I am married going through a really bad time my wife ended up with her boss at Xmas party came home nothing wrong then told me 2 months later she does not love me. we split ( I moved out with our daughter of 12 months and lived at my folks I then on rebounds meet a few lady friend one being a slight ugly but some how had a special something - the sex was great something was missing though the looks she was no stunner, anyway this lasted 5 weeks with sex 3 times a week then out of the blue mother nature I think my wife wanted me to go home so i have, she still texts this guy even though she’s moved jobs not sure if things will work out or not the sex with my wife is a big fat nothing since xmas time and i keep thinking of the ugly lady but at least I got sex
Sorry its hard to say but people do get blinded by the light and do thing that you should not really do!!! What do you think?
Quote by Surfdude365
Has anyone else ever had a fabulous sexual partner who was, well, real fuckin' ugly. A woman I used to date said a guy walked into her store who was so ugly she gasped, but there was something about him - later she took him upstairs and he fucked her so well she scared her dog out of the room with her screaming.
I once dated an ugly girl with a very seductive manner who turned out to be a world class lover. Maybe they compensate for their looks in other ways?

Makes you wonder if there's a "ugly" girl out there talking about
"some guy who thought he was a Brad Pitt lookalike but was rather mediocre, thought he was a surfer but never been on more than a paddle board, and was really inexperienced so I blew his mind and he said I was the best sex he'd ever had a called it worldclass"
Of course the "ugly" girl may have "turned out" to have been a great lay, but you would have had to have gone out with her in the first place, and that was because you couldn't get someone "better" wasn't it? Was that because the pretty girls consider you to be "ugly"?
Rachel wink
Quote by Surfdude365
Has anyone else ever had a fabulous sexual partner who was, well, real fuckin' ugly. A woman I used to date said a guy walked into her store who was so ugly she gasped, but there was something about him - later she took him upstairs and he fucked her so well she scared her dog out of the room with her screaming.
I once dated an ugly girl with a very seductive manner who turned out to be a world class lover. Maybe they compensate for their looks in other ways?

Makes you wonder if there's a "ugly" girl out there talking about
"some guy who thought he was a Brad Pitt lookalike but was rather mediocre, thought he was a surfer but never been on more than a paddle board, and was really inexperienced so I blew his mind and he said I was the best sex he'd ever had a called it worldclass"
Of course the "ugly" girl may have "turned out" to have been a great lay, but you would have had to have gone out with her in the first place, and that was because you couldn't get someone "better" wasn't it? Was that because the pretty girls consider you to be "ugly"?
Rachel wink
Sex God
I think, bearing in mind the thread topics you have chosen, that you potentially don't know enough about sex, to comment about it being world class with anyone.
Chick0074 wrote
Makes you wonder if there's a "ugly" girl out there talking about
"some guy who thought he was a Brad Pitt lookalike but was rather mediocre, thought he was a surfer but never been on more than a paddle board, and was really inexperienced so I blew his mind and he said I was the best sex he'd ever had a called it worldclass"

This seems a very realistic scenario to me and the "ugly" girl probably thought she was doing you a huge favour as she wouldn't normally sleep with such an immature tosser, but what the hell, she had nothing better to do at the time. lol :lol:
I would be interested to know what you class as ugly though, because your personality comes across as grotesque to me. I don't think it would matter what you looked like physically I think I would class you as an ugly person.
well said Jas
It does seem like the "ugly" girl was the "prize" here as she obviously blew his mind.
There are probably many guys who would love a night with a girl like that.
And as you say, it doesn't sound like he's been around much anyway - or will if he comes in here with that attitude!
Quote by Punky
Does anyone else think that Surfdude365 may be related to Punky by any chance. It would appear that they both exhibit some kind of empathy bypass.

Ok peeps here it is Punkys take on this delightful topic.
I would agree 100% with surfdude on this and not because i wanna get you all itching ya knickers again, but from my own experience of this topic (yes at 20 you can have experience) despite what some of you think!!
I started seeing this guy at 17 and trust me he was a MINGER!!! I only went out with him on the rebound, and i knew i had dropped my standards by a few 109098347%, but ... the sex was mindblowing. Ok at 17 all i had experienced before hand was a year and a half of jouvenile shitfrom the one boy!! But it was the first time i'd experienced an orgasm and when my friends asked y i was with such a minger my response was the same.
After a while my rose tinted glasses began to wear of and i couldn't stand the sight of him. So i dumped him. Left him heart broken, went off with his model looking mate. Tall blonde very stunning, but alass the sex just didn't match up to the look, and so off i'd sneak back to get the great sex from the minger.
This carried on for almost four years, he had the same minging girlfriend he got when we split, i went through a number of better looking relationships, but at least twice a week i'd sneak round to his for a mind blowing time.
It is very hard to say goodbye to great sex but since meeting my partner now i am 100% faithfull but trust me sometimes the minger creeps back in my fantasies!!
So in answer yes i think ugly people can be diamonds in bed but now i wouldn't go t bed with someone i didn't look twice at. Shallow maybe? standards a must!!
Go on people do your worst !!!

I just love Punky's posts. They're like watching an accident i slow motion. Sort of compelling but horrendous.
At least you realise (although you are in partial denial) that good sex is not all based on looks. (Actually it's partly based on smell which affects us on an unconscious level.) I sense that your desire to be amongst the young, stylish and beautiful is no more than the self disgust you have for being attracted to your 'minger'. Although you still have thougths about this person you are in an emotional confilct becuase of the people you associate with and the false world you inhabit, ie. modelling.
Now we are all subject to media manipulation and to a constant barrage of images about ideal beauty or the perfect lifestyle, just turn on the tv or flick through a magazine. But most of us (I hope) are savvy enough to realise this is not real but a cleverly constructed fantasy designed to give us status anxiety. The corporations want us to earn more, so we can buy more or look more attractive according to the ideals they have force fed us. Unfortunately some of us (especially young people) are susceptible to this cynical media manipulation drawn into so called youth markets selling recycled and sanitized sub-cultures.
This, I'm afraid, is you Punky. You have swallowed the corporate bullshit wholesale and have started spitting it back out in the false belief that what you are talking about has any real relevance to the real world. It dosen't.
Real people come in all shapes and sizes, both old and young. Fantasies are created in the mind and are not dictated by the glossy magazines and films to some 'ideal' of beatuy. The important thing is that they are your desires and not those influenced by what others think. Real turn ons are those experiences we have had in real life, like Punkys first orgasm. Realnot the appropriated fantasies generated by the media.
I think Punky, you must have felt a deal of shame when your 'friends' questioned why you were going out with a 'minger'. It must be a great deal of pressure to try to keep up with their expectations. But that's the price you pay for being a sheep and not an individual, eh! Poor sod.
Sex God
yes please
oooh sorry thought it was an offer for ugly bastards to get sex
Ill fetch me coat
seriously what constitutes ugly? There is unquestionably something beautifull about everyone.....come on guys and girls lets all chill out here cool
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Yeah, I thought I might be in with a chance too! wink
Seriously. What we really find attractive and a turn on are those experiences that have influenced us in our personal lives. That which is biological, organic and ultimately neural. The greatest sex organ after all is the brain.
Gosh Judytv smile that is high praise indeed. redface
Just to let you all know I was very very drunk when I wrote it (still am). Thankfully I can edit my posts due to the wonders of technology and appear sober (hic). Just ask Redstiletto...
Love you all LC kiss
Warming the Bed
Its just as well my force fed, sheep lifestlye doesn't leave me in such a sad desperate position in my life that i have to resort to drinking during the day, hey lovecommando...?
Quote by Punky
Its just as well my force fed, sheep lifestlye doesn't leave me in such a sad desperate position in my life that i have to resort to drinking during the day, hey lovecommando...?

Once again another jugemental diatribe. The assumption is that one is sad and desperate for drinking during the day. How narrow-minded you are. As least I don't have to work my poor ass off in front of a camera just to prove to the world I exist.
Quote by Lovecommando
Its just as well my force fed, sheep lifestlye doesn't leave me in such a sad desperate position in my life that i have to resort to drinking during the day, hey lovecommando...?

Once again another jugemental diatribe. The assumption is that one is sad and desperate for drinking during the day. How narrow-minded you are. As least I don't have to work my poor ass off in front of a camera just to prove to the world I exist.
LC.. she (?) has a point we ALL know modeling circles are not renown for alcohol and drug abuse dont we!! rolleyes :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Warming the Bed
I think Punky must have been drunk to blurt out what she did lol At least "the minger" had the last laugh and control of the situation. And a model running round cos she cant enjoy the beautiful people says it all really. sounds quite selfish???? who am i to judge but there you go
Irony can be quite ironic sometimes
best sex is when you give and what you give to each other.
Forum Virgin
I once met a woman who I didn't think was so 'beautiful' but I'm no oil painting either, anyway we not only made love, but ended up living together for 5 years , and I found that she became more and more 'beautiful' every time I saw her.I've never judged ppl by their looks, thankGod cos even though we split up she's one of the most Beautiful ppl I'll ever have the privelige of knowing. We're still great friends and I love her like no one else.
Warming the Bed
Quote by Chillin
I once met a woman who I didn't think was so 'beautiful' but I'm no oil painting either, anyway we not only made love, but ended up living together for 5 years , and I found that she became more and more 'beautiful' every time I saw her.I've never judged ppl by their looks, thankGod cos even though we split up she's one of the most Beautiful ppl I'll ever have the privelige of knowing. We're still great friends and I love her like no one else.

Love smile could do with more of that he he
Sex God
Quote by madmaninsane
I once met a woman who I didn't think was so 'beautiful' but I'm no oil painting either, anyway we not only made love, but ended up living together for 5 years , and I found that she became more and more 'beautiful' every time I saw her.I've never judged ppl by their looks, thankGod cos even though we split up she's one of the most Beautiful ppl I'll ever have the privelige of knowing. We're still great friends and I love her like no one else.

Love smile could do with more of that he he
As they saying goes....................Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, someone can always see the inner beauty of someone, ( and that saying is true as beauty no matter how beautiful does fade in time and the person remains ) I bet some people love the personalities of people on here without knowing what they look like and if they thought the looks followed of what they antisapicated, it would be great. But there will always be a surprise around the corner and it could be a good one.