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Good Sex But Real Ugly

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Warming the Bed
Has anyone else ever had a fabulous sexual partner who was, well, real fuckin' ugly. A woman I used to date said a guy walked into her store who was so ugly she gasped, but there was something about him - later she took him upstairs and he fucked her so well she scared her dog out of the room with her screaming.
I once dated an ugly girl with a very seductive manner who turned out to be a world class lover. Maybe they compensate for their looks in other ways?
I just had to say something about this one.....
Who defines who is Ugly? I'm just curious because some might say I'm ugly but yet I have had people say that I'm the sexiest woman that they've ever I guess it all depends on who is looking at you..... biggrin
Quote by Surfdude365
Has anyone else ever had a fabulous sexual partner who was, well, real fuckin' ugly. A woman I used to date said a guy walked into her store who was so ugly she gasped, but there was something about him - later she took him upstairs and he fucked her so well she scared her dog out of the room with her screaming.
I once dated an ugly girl with a very seductive manner who turned out to be a world class lover. Maybe they compensate for their looks in other ways?

Sorry - was the dog screaming? :shock:
I was going to post something like 'you are a complete fuckwit for posting this'... and then I thought that maybe that was not quite the right thing to post...
Maybe the ugly girl that you dated thought that you were ugly too!! Or maybe she thought that you were a patronising git!!!
Oh fuck it.. I just hate your post
Sex God
Well, if you mean can you have good sex with someone you don't find sexually attractive, personally I think the answer is - yes of course you can.
I said recently in a previous thread that I've had great sex with some right ugly fuckers lol wink - jokes aside, I mean it - I really have had good sex with people I wouldn't look and in the street and think "WOW" - I've had good sex with people who I really, really didn't fancy one bit. At the end of the day, if you're a good fuck, it doesn't matter what you look like cool
i cant answer this... cos appart from 2 exceptions.. i have never been able to have sex with anyone i was not physically attarcted to!
Quote by Fun365
Has anyone else ever had a fabulous sexual partner who was, well, real fuckin' ugly. A woman I used to date said a guy walked into her store who was so ugly she gasped, but there was something about him - later she took him upstairs and he fucked her so well she scared her dog out of the room with her screaming.
I once dated an ugly girl with a very seductive manner who turned out to be a world class lover. Maybe they compensate for their looks in other ways?

Sorry - was the dog screaming? :shock:
I was going to post something like 'you are a complete fuckwit for posting this'... and then I thought that maybe that was not quite the right thing to post...
Maybe the ugly girl that you dated thought that you were ugly too!! Or maybe she thought that you were a patronising git!!!
Oh fuck it.. I just hate your post
Actually, I'll review thsi coz maybe I was a bit harsh - but the post did come over as patronising..
The first time that I've been really annoyed on this forum - I'll have to try harder
yeah shagged someone i did nt fancy was it great sex...............ummmmm no crap actually cool
Quote by well_busty_babe
i have never been able to have sex with anyone i was not physically attarcted to!

Same here..... redface
It never ceases to amaze me when someone has the crassness to boast about this! Were you that desperate you went out and scored on any poor woman. Everyone is beautiful within, and I bet the poor woman was just that when she allowed you to make love to her. If it was that bad a screw, why do you boast about it or even remember it or share? It must be nice to have your pretty people meets, where you can take the piss out of the ugly fuckers you have laid...nice to know the majority of people can firstly say no thanks and secondly if they do, they do not tell the world as you have done? I bet you did m=not have the balls to say, in honesty...' Look I am desperate for a shag, and that hot sexy chick over there has refused, and I saw you and although you are one ugly fucker, you ARE female, and you DO have something I want. If I turn off all the lights and you allow me to screw your brains out it will help me to feel I have screwed the pretty girl instead of you...Oh and dont tell anyone I screwed you because I dont want em taking the piss out of me, and is it all right if I tell people about it when i feel i have to say how low I have stooped'?
This RANT is aimed at anyone crass enought to actually say they have done this...i dont think it applies to most of you, but deep down it really saddens me to think this really sexy woman is the ridducule of someone who should learn the ethics of being a GENTLEMAN...?
Warming the Bed
Quote by DreamerHelen
I just had to say something about this one.....
Who defines who is Ugly? I'm just curious because some might say I'm ugly but yet I have had people say that I'm the sexiest woman that they've ever I guess it all depends on who is looking at you..... biggrin

My thoughts exactly. I have always felt that I was ugly, but my better half says I'm not and we've been married 11 years so.... Beuty is in the eye of the beholder.
zim :taz:
what about ugly sex but really good?
Quote by Fun365
The first time that I've been really annoyed on this forum - I'll have to try harder

Good God Paul - here over 6 months and this is the FIRST time you've been annoyed by a post :shock:
I'm impressed at your laid back attitude wink
Alex x x x
Does anyone else think that Surfdude365 may be related to Punky by any chance. It would appear that they both exhibit some kind of empathy bypass. Is it possible that they are the prodgeny of some secret genetic program of asocial beautiful people who only recognise each other and dismiss or disregard others who do not match their genetic standard. Once again another example of body fascism. What's going on...
I don't like this post either...who on earth decides who is "ugly"? concepts like this are demeaning to all of us.
Sex God
Everyone is beautiful to someone and uglyness is nothing compared to being a TWAT!
Dawn :silly:
Quote by MikeNorth
I don't like this post either...who on earth decides who is "ugly"? concepts like this are demeaning to all of us.

i know EXACTLY where u are coming from.....
i had an incident in the chatroom today.
a guy asked for my profile number.. then came back abd stated "not bad... but too big for most people"
now i dont have an issue with him saying i am big... ffs i know i am, i say so in my advert.. and i dont consider that in its self to be a negative comment.. any more than him saying "you have brown hair".
i also didnt have a problem with him not being attracted to me because i am big,,,,, it is not like i am short of offers in any way.
what i DID take issue with was the " too big for MOST PEOPLE" who was he to decide what was attractive to anyone else. mad
as it goes i put him in his place, explained how it was... and asked him not to be soo bitter about not meeting the criteria in my advert... and he soon shut up.
but it annoys me sooooo much when people presume to speak for everyone else!!!
rant over!
wBB, you're too purple for most people.
WBB wrote:
i put him in his place, explained how it was... and asked him not to be soo bitter about not meeting the criteria in my advert... and he soon shut up.

Heh heh WBB, well done there....
Quote by roger743
wBB, you're too purple for most people.

god i REALLY love this place! lol
think you might find i am ACTUALLY magnenta! :P
ps.. roger.... i have a new pic of my bum in a pair of nickers that match ur undies...... redface
need your honest opinion on them.. as tonguey takes the piss out of them, says they are really sexy-NOT mad
need to know if they fit to wear or fit for bin! lol
I agree with WBB...... when I posted an ad I got lots of replies and I weeded through them and sent pics back to all the ones I felt were genuine and had taken the effort to send a decent reply.
I stated in my ad what size I was so really it shouldn't have come as much of a shock.... but some men really made me feel ugly. I've always hade a complex about my weight and my looks and this just made me feel even worse!
I had one reply which went along the lines of WBB's - basically saying that I'm (quote) "All right in a fat kind of way" and that (quote) "Not many blokes would want to be seen with someone your size".
This is really hurtful coming from someone who has judged on appearance alone. I know there has to be some attraction there in order to have sex etc but why be so damn nasty and presume that no one would be seen dead with me?
Quote by onlyme1981
I agree with WBB...... when I posted an ad I got lots of replies and I weeded through them and sent pics back to all the ones I felt were genuine and had taken the effort to send a decent reply.
I stated in my ad what size I was so really it shouldn't have come as much of a shock.... but some men really made me feel ugly. I've always hade a complex about my weight and my looks and this just made me feel even worse!
I had one reply which went along the lines of WBB's - basically saying that I'm (quote) "All right in a fat kind of way" and that (quote) "Not many blokes would want to be seen with someone your size".
This is really hurtful coming from someone who has judged on appearance alone. I know there has to be some attraction there in order to have sex etc but why be so damn nasty and presume that no one would be seen dead with me? mad

it doesnt upset me, as i am actually quite a confident person... (well ok.. i think i am bloody lovely! wink ) but if i was easilly offended... i can imagine comments like that having a big effect on me!
you have to turn it round.. so that THEY are the ones who are looking bad not you.
as far as i am concerned.. if they have to insult you like that.. it says a lot more about them than it does about you hun.
keep smiling
Thanks WBB - I know it's only words and it shouldn't hurt but sometimes enough is enough! I will get even one day! :twisted:
I envy you for your confidence by the way! smile Any tips? hehehe

Quote by onlyme1981
Any tips? hehehe

errrrrrr.... never eat yellow snow?
its just about only changing what YOU want to change, keeping what YOU like.....and making the most of what you have!
forget what other people think is good....... if you are happy in yourself.. that shines through sooo much.
luv n stuff
Thank you WBB - I'll bear it in mind!
Quote by onlyme1981
I had one reply which went along the lines of WBB's - basically saying that I'm (quote) "All right in a fat kind of way" and that (quote) "Not many blokes would want to be seen with someone your size".
This is really hurtful coming from someone who has judged on appearance alone. I know there has to be some attraction there in order to have sex etc but why be so damn nasty and presume that no one would be seen dead with me? mad

No one should have to suffer this kind of insult. My knuckleduster is polished and itching to go. Just give me their address onlyme1981, I'll gladly go around and kick seven colours of shit out of them for you. your service.
onlyme hey!
the only attitude to have in that circumstance is "feck you........i know i'd have been good so ner ner ner ner ner! no need to be just plain rude / opinionated / bigotted about the damn thing!!!??? eh?"
<<< and oh yeah, you failed *MY* criteria by being a twat! ;-) >>>
redface chilidish i know, but why should we have to develop a thick skin about it? they personally missed out on an experience, won't.....neither will the next to meet you! all good! lol i don't expect everyone ((( anyone whatsoever??? ;-) ))) i come across to find me attractive.....that's fine......thanks for being direct and not messing about.
<<< oh! and those that possibly / misguidedly do BTW ........erm......well you know where i am eh?? :lol: >>>
a little subtlety and diplomacy would go a long way, but personal / sexual preference is fine and understood. just don't be bloody rude about it and imagine for one minute that your personal criteria are the benchmarks the rest of the world live by!!! ;-) .
there will be many others who will be polite / open / direct / as shaggable as ya get in their turn.........
neil x x x x x
hey im short fat nothing to yell about in the trouser dept but apart from that perfect in every detail, we all have our insecurities mine are going as each day passes, you cant beat the mind of a sexy woman, all of a sudden looks for me pail into insignicance, ffs i fancy Delia, purley because of the way she whips cream lol
everyone has someone who would die for a moment with them, we all just have to find them
Quote by Alexandra
The first time that I've been really annoyed on this forum - I'll have to try harder

Good God Paul - here over 6 months and this is the FIRST time you've been annoyed by a post :shock:
I'm impressed at your laid back attitude wink
Alex x x x
Thanks Alex.. Been annoyed at some threads - but this one was the first that REALLY pissed me off.. I always find that people are shallow if they only judge on looks... This has probably because I know that I am not good looking - and age has not been that kind.. So, I tend not to judge people on their looks alone - in the hope that they will not judge me on looks alone...If I cannot impress people with personality, charm, wit and some semblance of intelligence - then I have not much hope anyway..
As one lady aptly described me " Your just short of handsome" lol
Off to take my tablets now...
Quote by well_busty_babe
ps.. roger.... i have a new pic of my bum in a pair of nickers that match ur undies...... redface
need your honest opinion on them.. as tonguey takes the piss out of them, says they are really sexy-NOT mad
need to know if they fit to wear or fit for bin! lol

Sure, you can hit me with your undies pics anytime you want. lol :lol: :rascal:
Quote by roger743

ps.. roger.... i have a new pic of my bum in a pair of nickers that match ur undies...... redface
need your honest opinion on them.. as tonguey takes the piss out of them, says they are really sexy-NOT mad
need to know if they fit to wear or fit for bin! lol

Sure, you can hit me with your undies pics anytime you want. lol :lol: :rascal:[/quotI
can just hear Ian Dury singing that line now
"Hit me with your undie pics"