Quote by tallnhairy
I didn't get a pm either! pbbbbbt.
but I'm also not really british (got a certificate that says I am tho )
Well ockysweeties, there are breast people, and bum people. Your avatar really seems targeted at the breast type of person. Although on closer exam you could win either category if I were the judge
Mal though, that not fair, you should have got a PM mate ;) Maybe we need a second judge for the male side of things... (Just not me)
I am editing my previous whinge about not getting a pm, several of you, including the original poster have all pm'd me very nicely with compliments and I thank you all for coming to my ego's aid (my name DOES mean princess after all).
as for the avatar... we're working on a better bum pic, but I am being honest when I say my bum is not my favorite, or most photogenic, part.