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guys who shave their beanbags

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well first of all why? do women prefer it? or is it the silky smooth feelin,i wonder, i once tried it and had 2 listen 2 my then gf moan about stubbly balls,any helpfull tips would be good and offers from girls 2 do the job would b even better,would need proof of a steady hand tho lol :P
Well, the main reason for hair removal in that general area is that it makes it look bigger - no really, it does work. Take it from me. And of course, it means less hairs getting stuck in your partner's throat if her throat happens for any reason to be down there. And less hair getting in the way of fingers/tongues/whatever means you feel more down there and are generally more sensitive.
On the downside, yes there's the stubble, plus it can itch as it grows back, and you have to be careful you don't end up accidentally castrating yourself. For these reasons, I generally just trim myself downthere rather than shave.
yeah I once shaved to 'surprise' my gf - but when I showed her - she was less than impressed .... confused
Quote by Little_Castor
yeah I once shaved to 'surprise' my gf - but when I showed her - she was less than impressed .... confused

Comments about the last chicken in the shop tend to put a dampener on things, I find....
I once came across a bloke that had a regimental number 1 - each hair was standing to attention.
I laughed myself silly... rotflmao
yeah, I gathered it was for the ladies benefit, although the gemntleman might benefit since she may be more willing to have those "beanbags" in her mouth lol
I'm not going anywhere near there with a razor blade! There are easier and less dangerous ways to keep yourself tidy.
(Note to first time depilators: When they say no more than ten minutes, you better believe it!!!)
I keep my balls shaved and the rest trimmed, as you can see in the pics. It only gets itchy if you let it grow back, so I keep it shaved. Never had anyone complain about it, yet had plenty of compliments. It takes less than a minute every few days to keep it that way and definitely well worth it
I quite agree!
after all most fellas like their women to be neatly trimmed so its the least you can do to return the favour!
I stay neatly trimmed above and shaved below!
a quick tip, after shaving your sack (very carefully) use some mosturising balm to keep it from itching and it feels great for days after too biggrin
I agree with the last 2 posts. I find it takes 3 to 4 days without shaving before it starts itching so tis best to shave regularly. I did try going completely bald down below but it was a nightmare to keep smooth so I just go for the smooth nuts & trim the rest. Just takes a bit of practice before you get the perfect result and my missus luvs `em biggrin
K&D xx
I don't know if this will help those deliberating on whether or not to try this for the first time, however, I remember a suggestion from another forum member that after shaving always spray liberally with deep heat. Apparently this stimulates the follicles to grow back soft and downy rather than scratchy.
Not being a shaver myself - I cannot vouch for the information, but anyone who tries it, do let me know how you get on.
I can't stop laughing ......omg
Spot which of the above posts the following saying applies to.....
and don't try this one at home folks.
Some people are so bad :twisted:
Judy tried the immac route, upon an ex g/f's insistence! first of all, yeah ice pie believe! no more than 5 minutes i reckon! a second point, she complained often about stubble burn, so had to be more than a daily regimen! just in case!
and the day i let someone else shave em is the day i start putting me dinner thru a liquidiser to be spoon fed! lol
neil x x x
I think the chap who suggested Deep Heat may be either a closet sadist or the victim of a wind-up :shock:
I recommend heavily diluted lime juice, and ONLY if there is no reddening of the skin. If you've overdone it and start to glow in the dark, sit in a bath of cold water for a while then use a neutral pH moisturiser.
For those of you who need to shave/depilate the shaft of your penis and experience any soreness or dryness afterwards, I suggest a plain condom filled with a neutral hand cream.
I firs shaved mine about 12 months ago and found it to be very comfortable , just hard to get a lather up in the shower when you have a shved head and a shaved sack , once it had grown fully back i did it again and now i try to keep on top of it and shave it quite regular ( oh and i invested in one of those white scruchy things for the shower)
shaved shaved shaved have been for a cpl of years....keep on top of it ( so to speak ) and no rash no itching just smooth silky balls.!!
Love the sound of those balls banging agasint that ass... my girlfriend loved it and even used to do some of the styling in the shower with me...but make sure the blades sharp we dont want no snagging !!! OUCH
biggrin Smoothy here also , i find the ladies love it wink have been totally shaved for over 5 years now.
Try the Mach 3 with the safety bars, no danger of accidents then lol.
Quote by Mark1964swindon
Try the Mach 3 with the safety bars, no danger of accidents then lol.

No way, you should see what that thing does to my face! :gagged:
Quote by roger743
No way, you should see what that thing does to my face! :gagged:

rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Ouch then Roger mate lol surprised
I have tried to resist the urge to do this, but I can't do it any longer. We have covered this subject some time ago so I am going to re-post my original post on this subject. redface surprisedops: :oops: :oops:
Not too long ago I had the dubious pleasure of going to hospital for the snip. :shock: :shock:
Once I was settled into what would be my bed for the afternoon, I lay back and thought, “well at least I will have the pleasure of one of these lovely nurses popping in to give me a shave in the never regions!” wink
I lay there wondering which one of the four beauties would have the honour of doing me. After a long period of contemplation one of the better looking of the four came over, pulled the curtains around my bed and said those words I’d been waiting for: “Right then, time for a 
“Yippee” I thought, wondering if my manhood was going to behave itself, though secretly hoping it wouldn’t!!
With that she gave me a disposable razor and some shaving foam then left, saying “give me a shout when you’ve finished”!!! :
I was almost in tears. Not only did the best part of me have to go bald but I had to do it myself ….. And without water!!!! mad :x :x
I lay there thinking how the national Health had gone to the dogs. My Granddad didn’t fight in the war so I would have to shave my own pubes off!!!! I knew I should have gone private. I thought of all those private Bastards having erotic pube shaving sessions with topless nurses dressed in stockings and suspenders (the nurses that is!!) while Je t’aime plays in the background.
Eventually I stopped sulking when I thought about what was about to happen to me in the operating theatre. This would be but a minor hic-up. So I shaved away, like a man possessed, cheering myself up by muttering “Can you see what it is yet?” to myself every few minutes. After about 10 minutes the deed was done and I viewed my bits with pride. “Not a bad job even if I do say so myself” I thought as I stood on the bed trying to look at my reflection in the window (Why do they not have mirrors???) With a little bounce on the bed I could just about see my afternoons work in the window, I then realised that so could the people in the ward opposite and a small crowd was gathering watching the naked bald man bouncing on his bed!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops:
I rushed back into bed and waited for the nurse to come back. She popped in saying “All done?” I threw back the covers to show her my masterpiece, looking like a bikini line in reverse. “Oh!!” she said, “You didn’t have to take that much off!!!” :oops: :oops:
Bloody marvellous!!!! Why didn’t the squinty-eyed bitch tell me how much to take off BEFORE I did it???
Anyway, needless to say I had the op, and everything went fine. A few days of pain followed by a few more days of pain and then all was fine…………… That is until the bloody stuff started growing back again!! Boy did it itch!! For days I was trying to fix cars one handed whilst the other hand lived permanently in my underpants scratching away like there was no tomorrow!!
And when it grows back it is twice as thick and twice as long!! I’m sure they must have out something in that NHS Shaving Foam.
So, when you see these men that have hair showing around the collar of their shirt it’s not because they have a hairy chest. It’s because they’ve had an NHS Vasectomy!!!! lol :lol: :lol:
Anyway, that was my experience of shaving down there and I will be voting for keeping it hairy!!!
oh, sgt bilko, that is so funny. :giggle: :giggle:
So that's the secret to these massive post counts. Recycling!
Just as brilliantly funny the second time around. I look forward to its next outing :-)
Oh Sarge!!!!!!! too too funny FFS!!! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
keep recycling all ya like!!!!!
i changed me bed today FFS! needs doing again!!!! ;-)
neil x x x
Shave them gonads!! As Mal says I havn't had any complaints and plenty of compliments. J likes to touch and likes it smooth. I also like to have mine sucked and I wouldn't ask anyone to suck a minging pair of hair bollox.
We ask for trimmed so give trimmed in return...
Worst u can do is give it a go, it'll grow back...
willing but nervous!!!! congratulations are in order! or did ya miss your 100th post!!!!!! raise your bat to the pavilion end............
neil x x x x
sum great info, well i think im gona attack me plums with the ol mach3 this weekend,now just got 2 dig out the fly-mo 4 the crack of my arse lol. thanks again ppl smile
though i am myself totally shaven, in the main i dont have any preferences over shaved or not shaved on men from a purely cosmatic point of view,
however... i am less likely (not in this lifetime) to take oral sex to any new levels when the man has a rug wrapped round the bottom of his shaft.
After reading this thread you've all got me thinking about it now.
Trouble is i can't sleep thinking of ANY sharp object getting near 'My Precious' lol