Oh Sarge - that was absolutely priceless!!!
I don't remember seeing it before and it is the funniest thing I have seen in ages. Thank you.
Will - who also has a rule about never letting sharp objects near his wotsits :shock: - though there are some comments on here that have made me wonder. The following seems to be a reasonable 'programme' :
1. In the interests of hygiene give the whole area a thorough soaking in bleach first.
2. The safest option is to go for the depilation cream - a good 20 minutes or so to be on the safe side.
3. Spray liberally with Deep Heat or Ralgex.
4. Smother everything in copious quantities of after shave afterwards just to make sure that it all smells nice.
Let me know how it goes folks! Actually, don't bother - I'll be able to hear the screams from here! :rotflmao: