I find grey hair rather sexy :rascal:
Grey hair ...........sean connery ....end off
I had a friend who went grey- and I mean completely- at the age of 19. She never once died her hair. She had a lovely husband, two great kids and when I met her was embarking on her second degree for a career change at the age of 45. It hadn't held her back because she chose not to let it.
It's all about having the balls to go against the crowd if that's what you want to do. The warped idea of "perfection" we are all encouraged to aspire to will only ever change if people don't buy it.
I've been dying my hair all sorts of colours since I was 16- when I decide I'm ready to let it all hang out & go grey I will, without a thought for what others may think.
I'm not sensitive about my white hairs - until my 6 foot + son looks down at me and says "it's really obvious from up here". Damn him.
Got quite a bit of grey hair trickly positioned between brown hair. I ask the hair dresser to cut them out, with a tweaser ;-). I think it is really cool.