go to hairdress this week fancy a change but not sure what so will have to see what everone has to say on the 60 look my hair is short so find it hard to change style
yep, 60's is very "in" this season and it's easy to grow out to the next style that comes along.
My hairdresser is fab. She always does whatever i ask of her (not one of those who nods in the right places then you leave with summat you really didn't want!)
She also gives great advice as to what styles would suit me and hot to get the best from it.
I have very fine, kinky, flyaway hair so there aren't many styles I can try cos my hair just won't hold it.
Also, you have to think about your face shape and your facial features. Some styles might make you face look longer or thinner or might bring out your eyes or draw too much attention to a square jaw - just for example.
I'd look out for people with the style you like and if they look good with it, do they have the same sort of face shape or type of hair as you?
Of course, you've got to remember the celebs have the very best products and people at their disposal and simply cannot afford to look anything less than perfect.
Young enough to get away with bringing the ruff back? (the tudor style collar thing) because i'm gonna make that hugeeee