Quote by DeeDan
OK one year later, still no fems or mixed couples are responding to me
Quote by DeeDan
thanks LB1 for the advice on going to socials/clubs, though I think my rabbit caught in the headlights look will be a turn off for most :shock: seriously though, I am intimidated by the prospect of going and trying to be cool and sexy when I'm nervous as hell. Guess I'm just ignorant cos don't know where to go to or what to expect either. I thought I had to get invited to stuff via the site to go to socials, is that right? 'How do I get involved?' is the short question.
You wonder if, when I fuck a woman, I'll hate it? I know I like kissing women and I like the female body, frankly its been doing my nut in thinking about it. I don't want to dump a load of psychological baggage onto someone when I meet them, but if I am getting on with someone, I want them to understand I'm experimenting and broadening my horizons, how do you say something like that?
Thanks x
Quote by DeeDan
I want them to understand I'm experimenting and broadening my horizons, how do you say something like that?