My daughter learning and understanding a new word, very difficult for her to do.
Also whenever I or my kids achieve something no matter how small I love feeling proud.
Of course a nice eager tongue around certain parts, hands touching me and a damn good shag are also rather pleasant too! Especially, as I have found out, with a few other people to join in :twisted:
being called "darling one" by someone I care about. Little things others say to you that will never know how loved and wantd they make you feel.
Cuddles are the best thing in the world.
Mr Pink woke me up on Sunday morning with breakfast in bed and a cuppa, that was really sweet.
being held close, that unexpected text message, a surprise phone call....always being greeted / greeting people with a smile and a soothing or cheery word....having fun doing silly things....not looking at your watch....not feeling bad about anything....singing around work....all this and more....that's what happiness is. Give me some!! (I want what she's having!!)
When everything goes right when you are planning something, that is priceless.
Finding the remote control.
Oh the joy!
it has to be getting a lie in ...... while other half sees to the babies, even tho he has just finished a night shift.
My daughter throwing her arms round my neck and saying "I love you soooooooooooo much" :inlove:
And then telling me she has a secret.. me asking what, and her replying 'YOU SMELL!!' :shock:
When Timmy lets me into his den in bed for snuggles.
All wrapped up in his arms and total snuggledom - bliss
Just having mr naughty puts his arms around me and squeezing tight is great. Makes me happy. Nothing like a good cuddle
Fiding a date that we CAN get to one of Clare and Steve's party's
A good long soak in the bath with essential oils and candles!