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Happy Birthday To Serendipity

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Hope you have a fantastic day! passionkiss
happy birthday hunny, have a good un xxx
happy buffday hunny hope you have a smashing day :rose:
yup yup
Happy Birthday Dippy smile
oh..the old knickers round her ankles gal...many happy returns of the day..
hope you have a great day.
Couldn't pass this opportunity by.
Happy birthday you extraordinary lady.

Happy Birthday to one of the top dollar ladies here kiss
Happy birthday Serendipity biggrin
Happy Birthday chick!
Hope you get lots of shoes! kiss
hope its a lovely day and brings lots of smiles and lasting memories
xxxxx fem xxxx
Hope it is a serendipitous day for you hun kiss
Wonderful word, lovely lady.
Happy Birdy!
Dippity-Doo-Dah, Dippity-Yay,
Hope that you have a fantastic birthday!

Happy Birthday Dippity. kiss
Neil x x x ;)
p.s. I'm not dead for calling you Dippity-Doo-Dah am I? Not like you hate that, or anything, is it? dunno ;)
Serendipity, I am sure that there was no accident in you being born. You must have been wanted and loved, as you are now.
Ooooh ello, I didn't expect to find this on here today, what a nice suprise!!! :color:
Yup, I am 39 today (thirtyfuggingnine :shock: ) but I was told at work that 40 is the new 30, so next year I'm going to be 30!
Thank you all for the birthday posts passionkiss
Nelly - I quite like being called Dippity doo dah, it makes me feel all warm and...stuff :twisted:
Who is Serendipity wink
Happy Birthday dipity and hope you got some new boots for your birthday :wink:
Happy birthday spendifipility
Splendid's plasticy thingy...
Well... Happy Birthday anyway.
PS. If you happen to be Salma Hayek's character from the film Dogma, just pop me a PM and we can be in the Bahama's by tomorrow and be musing together.
Sorry am late redface
Hope you had a lovely day :rose:
aww am late too
happy birfday dipster
earthy xxx
Cheers moi luvvers! I've had a great day, all that was missing was some filthy shenanigans! But there are still 364 days left for that sort of thing :twisted:
Quote by Serendipity
Cheers moi luvvers! I've had a great day, all that was missing was some filthy shenanigans! But there are still 364 days left for that sort of thing :twisted:

Can i book you for one of those days? :rascal:
I'll get my people to call your people Meaty! lol
belated happy birthday Dippy
Whoops, sorry I missed it ..................... Mind you, when you get to your age, Dippy, you'll find there'll be another one arriving before you know it! lol
Belated birfdy wishes from me too Dippy-do-lally innocent Is it really only a year since the last one? That seems like forever ago confused lol
Hope you had a fabby day passionkiss