My daughter has always said she would love to do this, however you have to be 16+ she will be next April.
im looking at booking her a sky dive, but was wondering if i should go for a tandam or a static?
has anyone here ever done it? what would you recomend?
for me id be saying stay with feet firm on ground, i hate heights even standing on a chair to change a lightbulb lol.
xx fem xx
its something i would love to do... but never got round to it.
the company i work for is connected to a charity.. and they do sky diving days.. and pay for the jump as long as i get so much in sponser ship. so may be one of the things i will get round to doing before i'm 30.
Not while there's breath left in my body! :scared:
My Brother did one last Summer. It was a charity thing and he had to do a tandem dive as he was a complete novice. He had to have a full medical to ensure his body was up to it.
He jumped from 13,000 feet and he said it was utterly exhilarating.
she would be better doing tandem dive dont you think. . if i was going to i would want too be bloody sure i was not on my own doing it. . that said i wont ever have to make that decision as i am not a height person . .
a static line jump in where a cord pulls the chute for you this is not really a sky dive as there is no free fall involved but is part of the required course to free fall solo
Tandem dive is free fall and you can do this straight away.
Hope this helps
Reacher (ex RAF Para)
ahh ty reacher.
she does want to dive alone, but would have to do the statics first.
but for her first experience i think the tandam will give the biggest thrill.
xx fem xx
Fem I have done two static line jumps from 2000ft it was a great expierance.. but you are not in the sky for long, it all depends if it is something she wants to take up for a hobby, to get to sky diving solo you have to do 5 static lines jumps, then progess to dummy jumps.. it takes ages before you are ever able to skydive as these are all marked, you have to get perfect marks to process through the stages.
Plus we had to do intense training for a few weeks beforehand.
This was when I was 18 so a few years ago now, and then it cost a bit for the training and jumps.
So for a birthday treat I would say I tandem dive might be far better.
To leap from a perfectly serviceable aircraft with big of rags strapped to my back strikes me as being madness.
I used to fly gliders and the parachute filled the recess in the seat so it was comfortable to fly. Useless below 700 feet and the only instruction I recieved was 'don't say pardon' if instructed to bail out, I'd be on my own!
I did one for charity 2 years ago. I'd recommend a tandem as it gives her an opportunity to enjoy the experience without having to worry about pulling a cord or missing out on the freefall. She can always do more once she's decided if it's for her.
Why is it called Sky Diving?
When you "dive" into water,you have some resistance which allows you to resurface, float around and snog other swimmers in the pool.
It should be called sky plummeting or earth splatting in my view.
But that's cos I'm a coward.
its cheaper and will give her a taster so she will be able to decide whether to take it up as a pastime.
it is totally awesome, not quite as good as sex though!! :P
its cheaper and will give her a taster so she will be able to decide whether to take it up as a pastime.
it is totally awesome, not quite as good as sex though!! :P
i hope she never gets to find out lol
im going to book a tandam, hopefully as her b day is in april she will even get to actually do it on her birthday.
thank you for all the advice. i want her to experience these things, before she gets old and is to scared to.
xx fem xx
You'll also have to get her up at ungodly hours of the morning and have it completely dependent on the weather.
If at first you don't succeed ......... then skydiving's not for you!!
Most of the time they don't forget the parachute either, but occasionally you'll see someone fly past on the way down, arms flailing and hearing the faint sound of "....ooooooooohHHHHHH SHIIIIIIiiiiitttt....."